Chapter 1: A Madman

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Lynna leaned in the wood, with my her arms crossed, watching carefully Bran's attempt to hit the target with his arrow. To her great sorrow, he failed. Jon grabbed their little brother's shoulders, whispering something to him. Then their heads turned back, looking up to Lord Stark and his wife Lady Catelyn.

Bran tried once more, failing again. Robb and Jon started laughing at him, including little Rickon. That was when Lyanna walked to them.

"I do not understand what you are laughing about." A voice spoke. "I could shoot a arrow before any of you could."

Everyone turned to the figure that was strolling towards Robb, Jon and Bran slowly. Or in this case Ned and his Lady wife, Catelyn, looked down to see Lyanna, dressed in her gorgeous green dress. She was always a sight to behold, her long dark hair pulled into a knot, and her green eyes that held strength, focused upon their young son.

Ned looked down, smiling softly. He could feel the hackles of his wife rise steadily, as he caught her watching Lyanna with a heavy frown. Catelyn made it clear at every turn that she disapproved the adoption of baby Lyanna, she claimed that they were a honorable house and not a shelter for orphans. Deep down he knew she was also refering to Jon.

"Lyanna, great pleasure to have you joining us." Jon smiled.

"But shouldn't you be with Septa?" Robb mocked the girl.

"I already learned everything she could taught me." She replied.

"You could shoot an arrow before them, Lyanna?" Bran required her attention.

"Ask your father." Lyanna looked up at Lord Stark.

"Is it true, father?" Their little brother asks.

"Yes. Lyanna was always great with a bow." Ned confirmed, proudly. "Perhaps she could be a better teacher than your brothers."

"That is way exaggerated." Robb crossed his arms, playfully.

They all laughed.

"Go on, Bran, keep practicing." Eddard Stark encouraged the young boy.

Brandon lifted the bow, ready to shoot.

"Relax your arm, Bran." Lyanna instructed.

When he is ready to let go of the rope, an arrow hits the target. Everyone looked back, seeing Arya bowing to them, making Bran run after her angry. The eldests ones started laughing at the children.

"I do wish you wouldn't encourage the girl." Catelyn sighed, bristling slightly.

"Lyanna has amazing abilities." Eddard tried to appease her.

"She has been Nothern gossips for years. The entirety of Westeros will believe she is better than your own children." His wife spatted.

"What has she done?" Ned asked finally, after a long period of silence between them. "What has Lyanna done to make you hate her?"

Lord Stark understood the reason behind her hate for Jon Snow, he was a bastard. But not when it came to the girl, she had no Stark blood, not even a drop of it.

"Ned, Lyanna is praised by her beauty, her warrior abilities. They even ask why did you gave her you dead sister's name instead of giving it to one of your daughters." Catelyn said, sucking in a sharp breath. "You and I both know that a few houses from the North and the Riverlands already sent letters to marry her. She is not your true heir!"

"Catelyn-" He began.

The sound of a throat clearing drew his attention to the man behind him. Ser Rodrick stood there, standing stiffly, due interrupting a personal moment.

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