Chapter 12: Mercy

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Lyanna was cold, shivering from the wind. She was inside a tent and yet she couldn't warm up. Robb Stark was sitting by her side with a hand in her knee.

"You can't, Robb!" She cried. "You can't go to war."

"It's our only option, sister. To get you back, all of you." Robb explained.

"It's not. Bend the knee to the Lannisters, please."

Lyanna put her pale hand in her brother's pink cheek. Her emeralds begging.

"My sweet sister." Robb pressed their foreheads. "We all going to be together soon, I promise."

The eldest Stark got up from the bed, turning his back on Lyanna. She kept screaming for him to stop and come back to her but Robb didn't stop. He wouldn't, she realized, he will only stop when all the Lannisters are dead or he is dead.

Lyanna woke up in a pool of sweat and despair. Her chambers smelled like fear and death. She just wanted to run away from that room, from the thoughts in her head that were similar to needles.

Lyanna didn't call her maid. It took a little more time than usual but she didn't need anyone to see her this weak. Her black hair fell in long waves on her back, and her green eyes seemed tired.

The girl rushed to the throne room, from where all the voices and noises were coming. The guards let her through with disgusted looks. Lyanna's eyes fell on her sister Sansa, kneeling on the floor, begging for mercy towards her Lord Father.

"He said I wasn't the King. That Lyanna should rule." Joffrey reminded. "Why?"

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy." Sansa tried to explain. "He wasn't himself. Otherwise he never would have said that about you, Your Grace. Or Lyanna."

Lyanna felt tears rushing to her eyes. This was because of her, because Lord Stark had tried to fight for her right to the throne and to protect her.

"A child's faith... Such sweet innocence." Varys eyes were stuck in Lyanna between the crowd. "And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes."

"Treason is Treason!" Pycelle insisted.

Lyanna was tired of hearing that word. Cersei was the one who betrayed Robert when she abandoned their child to die, when she bore her brother's children in her womb. That was treason. Lord Stark only spoke the truth and only a madman hears the truth as treason.

"If you still have any affection in your heart for me, please do me this kindness, Your Grace." Sansa pleaded.

"Your sweet words have moved me."

Lyanna let out a sigh of relief and a smile found it's way to her lips. Maybe they all could go back home, just like Robb said, and it would be all over.

"But your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the King and that Lyanna has no claim to the throne." Joffrey smiled widely as if he had had a tragic idea. "In fact, I would like to hear it from her mouth as well. Or there'll be no mercy for him."

Lyanna looked at the King with wide eyes, only to find him already staring pleased at her, with panic rushing through her veins along with anger and fear. She was proud and stubborn, she would never bend her knee before the throne. But it was Lord Stark's life that was in danger and for that she would kiss his sword and call him King.

"They will, Your Grace." Sansa promised.


Jon gave a sneak peek at one of the wooden pans before grabbing it.

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