Chapter 14: I am a Lioness of Winterfell

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"Liking King's Landing?"

Lyanna didn't look away from the beautiful view that the balcony of Westeros provided her. It was the only good thing in that place, that and the wine.

She felt Tyrion leaning against the wall.

"King's Landing has it's beauty." He continued.

Lyanna looked at him, it was obvious that none of them wanted to be there, but it was the only place where they had to be.

"Lies. Betrayal. Abusive Kings." Lyanna moved away from the wall. "It's worse than I ever thought."

"At least you know what to expect, my Lady." Tyrion sipped some wine from his glass.

"Do I?" She looked at him intently. "Do you?"

"I like your thinking."

"I like King's Landing as much as you, Lord Tyrion," Lyanna smiled. "not even a little."

The were both silent.

Lyanna had also thought once she was smart enough to live in King's Landing and yet somehow she allowed the King to trick her into believing in his kindness. How stupid of her.

"I've heard you're now Lady Lyanna of House Lannister and House Baratheon." Tyrion made a toast in the air. "How sweet of my nephew."

"I don't want it." Lyanna looked at him with anger. "I am a Stark of Winterfell."

"Of course you are. I would never call you a Baratheon let alone a Lannister." The Imp said with kindness. "You have too much of the north in you, girl."

"Did you knew?" The black haired tried.

"In Winterfell. My brother and sister didn't stop whispering, I like to be aware of what is happening around me." Tyrion answered. "I could I not know, gods!"

"There are no gods." Lyanna drew the Imp's attention. "If there were, Joffrey would not be sitting on that Throne. Gods that are good would spare us from his sins."

In that very moment, Lyanna stopped believing in Gods. And if there were any God, he was cruel, made of the same flesh as The King. It's easy to believe in Gods when you live in a happy home along with your beloved family as it is easy to be brave from a safe distance.

The hardest part is having faith when the world is whispering hate into your broken heart.

Sansa was sewing something when Lyanna broke into her room. The small candle just lit up the tired face of the redheaded, and the moon provided a weak view to the rest of the chamber.

"Everyone is talking about you." Sansa muttered.

"About me?" Lyanna sat in the large bed.

"Lyanna Lannister Baratheon." She mocked. "Were you being a spy for them? All this time? You are a traitor."

"No!" The blackhaired grabbed her sister's hands, stopping her from sewing. "I didn't know, I swear, Sansa."

"What are you doing here?" The Stark asked coldly.

"I want to leave. Let's go home." Lyanna begged. "By the next moon we will be gone and they won't hurt us anymore."

"I don't want to leave. King's Landing is my home now and it should have always been yours, Lyanna." Sansa said, looking away. "And I'm to become Queen. I can't leave."

"Some guards slaughtered King Robert's bastards, newborn children." She told, fear stamped in her eyes. "Father told me to protect you and Arya. I can't find her anywhere. We need to leave."

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