Chapter 16: What honor?

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"This cannot be true."

"We've had raven from White Harbor, Barrowton and the Dreadfort. I'm afraid it is true." Roose Bolton explained.

"Why? Why would Theon - " Robb voiced his thoughts.

"Because the Greyjoys are treasonous whores." The man answered.

"What about Bran and Rickon?" Lyanna asked worried.

"We've heard nothing of them, my Lady." He replied. "But Rodrik Cassel is dead."

"I told you, never trust a Greyjoy!" Lady Stark accused her son.

"I must go North at once." Robb stood up.

"You can't!" Lyanna argued. "You are at war, brother."

"Then what kind of King am I if I can't hold my own castle?!" He snapped. "How can I ask men to follow me if I can't - "

"You are a King." Lord Bolton interrupted. "And that means you don't have to do everything yourself."

"I'll go, Robb." Lyanna stepped forward.

"You can't go, are you mad? Every Lannister's guards are searching for you!" The King reminded.

"Let me go and talk to Theon." Catelyn proposed.

"There will be no talk. He will die for this." Robb spat.

Lyanna bowed her head when his eyes landed on her. She wanted to do something, she wanted to punish everyone who hurt her family in any way but she also considered Theon as her family. The boy dined with them, played with them, learned how to hold a sword by their side. How can someone hurt his own family?

"Tell your son Bran and Rickon's safety is paramount." The King warned. "And Theon - I want him brought to me alive. I want to look him in the eye and ask him why. And then I'll take his head myself."

War is no place for a woman, Lyanna had heard the men whispering to her. That along with many other sayings but she had grown up watching the boys of the North learn how to wield a sword and shoot arrows and how to use daggers, while she sat outside admiring them until one day Lord Stark made her his apprentice.

It had been something that had interested Lyanna very much, it had always made her curious to know why war seemed so dooming to a woman. Why Lord Stark, Robb and uncle Benjen had never talked about battles in front of Sansa and Lady Stark.

But in the last few weeks, Lyanna had learned that war, was no place for anyone.

"I need to take a piss! Or do you want me to do it here?!" Screams were closer. "Are you even hearing me?"

"You talk a lot for someone who had to kill a mad man by stabbing him in the back." Lyanna hissed.

Jaime Lannister looked up at the young lady in front of him as well as to her direwolf. His expression seemed surprised, almost similar to the one when Lyanna pulled her dagger to his throat.

"Lady Lyanna." The guard greeted.

"Leave us." The girl commanded, not even looking at him.

Her beautiful green eyes were only on the King's slayer. Or what was left of him.

The guard gave her a quick nod and bolted. They were all afraid of the direwolves.

"To what do I own this pleasure? Another demand? Or perhaps another threat from this so called King in the North?" Jaime mocked.

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