Chapter 11: You belong with me

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"Stannis." Ned said.

"Unless - " Littlefinger's began.

" - There is no unless." The man interrupted protective. "He is the rightful heir. Nothing can change that."

"But you told me about the girl." The other remembered. "She is the rightful heir."

"I don't think Lyanna is meant to be a Queen." Eddard swallowed.

"How you'd know, Lord Stark?"

"She's just a little girl. She is going through a lot." He warned.

"Fine then make sure Joffrey succeeds. It would be wise." Litllefinger advised.

"Do you have a shred of honor?"

"You are now Hand of The King and Protector of The Realm, all the power is yours, you need only... reach out and take it. Make peace with the Lannisters. Release The Imp. Wed your daughter to Joffrey. We've plenty of time to get rid of Stannis." The man explained. "And if Joffrey seems likely to cause problems when he comes into his throne... we simply reveal both little secrets and sit Lyanna there instead."

"We?" Ned frowned.

"You'll need someone to share this burdens, I assure you my price would be modest." He offered.

"Would you suggest this treason?" Lord Stark asked.

"Only if we lose." Littlefinger stepped forward.

"Make peace with the Lannisters you say..." Eddard reached for the dagger. "The people who tried to murder my boy. The people who attacked me. The people who abandoned a child because she had no blonde hair."

"We only make peace with our enemy, my Lord. That's why its called making peace." The man said.

"No. I won't do it."

Eddard Stark was born with honor in his bones. So as any wise man, he offered Cersei a choice as he had done before and all she did was laugh at his mercy.

"Bend the knee, my Lord. Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son." Cersei advised. "And we shall allow you to live out your days in the grey waste... you call home."

Lord Stark took a few seconds. He couldn't help but think if he was doing the right thing, shout to the world Lyanna's parentage and Joffrey's true father. Until he found no other choice, no other way.

"Your son has no claim to the throne." Ned accused. "Lyanna of Winterfell is the rightful heir, she is the only child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister."

"Liar!" Joffrey yelled.

Cersei laughed. "You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark. Ser Barristan, seize this traitor."

The man approached Eddard only to be stopped by some guards who were ordered to not hurt the poor loyal man.

"You think he stands alone?" The blonde challenged him.

With her words a guard, up the stairs, held out his sword, ready to attack.

"Kill him! Kill all of them. I command it." The new King shouted while rising from the throne.


Lyanna was walking down the hall, dragging her feet. She couldn't stop but wonder if the blood running in her veins made her evil, cruel as Cersei and drunk as Robert. She wondered if she was a Lannister deep inside, if she was as bad as them.

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