Chapter 15: As A Mother Should

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The little girl turned around. "Lyanna? Is that really you?"

"Aye. How - Where - Are you hurt?" Lyanna approached her sister with despair.


Arya threw herself against the black haired, making her unsteady and almost fall back.

Oh, but Lyanna didn't care, they could lie around the snow and get their dresses spoiled like back in Winterfell, that it would only make her smile more.

Once Lyanna opened her eyes, she wasn't hugging little Arya but the stolen horse. She was riding it for days, sleeping in it and eating in it. Hope was walking by her side, nudging her leg with her muzzle to wake her up.

Lyanna stopped the horse, pulling the reins. A noise was coming somewhere from behind the trees, the direwolf bared it's sharp tooth protectively.

Lyanna took her hand to her leg in an attempt to reach her dagger, but before she could grab it, she was on the ground, a knife to her throat and four eyes on her. In two seconds Hope was by her side, almost tearing the man's hand in the process to save the black haired. With the distraction, Lyanna got up and reached her dagger, holding it in front of her.


With that the direwolf was sitting by her side, the sharp tooth showing. One of the men was holding his hand next to his chest, moaning in pain, while the other was looking at Lyanna and Hope with fear, though she liked to think it was respect.

"Try anything and she is going to tear you both apart." Lyanna warned, gesturing with her dagger to Hope.

"You know what? You can leave." The injured man cried.

"We can't let her leave, are you mad? What if she is a spy?" The other argued. "King Robb wouldn't like that."

Lyanna's heart jumped of joy with the man's words.

"Do you serve the King in the North?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes, girl." The man frowned. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lyanna of Winterfell and Robb is my brother." Lyanna replied. "Take me to him."

"I don't think so, King Robb has two sisters, Lady Sansa and Lady Arya."

"Believe me or believe Hope." The balckhaired said.

The direwolf growled, stepping forward, getting closer to the men while they walked away slowly into the trees. One last step from Hope and they were both showing Lyanna the way to Robb's camp.

Robb, her brother Robb, the same one who mocked her and hugged her during the cold. The very same that appeared in her dreams to whisper revenge into her ears. Oh, she remembered that Robb and she caught herself thinking if he was still the same man or he had changed into something she wouldn't recognize.


"Have you heard about Lyanna?" Princess Myrcella broke the silent. "What happen to her?"

Sansa had heard.

The official was that Lyanna had gone to her northerner family to advise them to end the war and bend the knee to the one true King, Joffrey.

But the whispers flying through King's Landing said otherwise, that the Queen had been found unconscious in Lyanna's bedroom and that some of her belongings were gone as well as Hope. They whispered about the guard who died, his throat torn, and Sansa could only imagine Lyanna's direwolf doing it, the other guard was found without a hand but alive.

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