Ch.13 - Kansas Hospitality

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After interrogating her further, Clark learned of all the wrong turns her life had been taking the past couple of weeks he had been away. Lex was a powerful friend to have on her side when she allowed it, but he was an equally powerful enemy. Instead of Marilyn still being able to receive money through Edward's profitable businesses, Lex had bought them all out and made sure any trace of she or Edward was erased. Without sufficient funds to pay off what was left of the bills on the house, she lost that too. With nowhere to go and no idea what to do, she took out all the money she had left in cash and had been staying at a hotel for the time being. She explained to him her encounter with Superman and what triggered her argument with Lex; he felt fully to blame. After all, it was his jumping the gun and assuming rather than confronting her and talking about it like adults that shot off a chain of unfortunate events for her. His saddened blue eyes stared down at the tired young woman who had been sitting against the wall-- makeup stained face and a stare that looked empty and defeated. Despite knowing what kind of power she had, she looked so small to him now; like he had to protect her from the world and everything in it. He saw now that he was never in any danger from her doing. She was just a deeply distressed woman who had lost everything within the blink of an eye; there couldn't have been an evil bone in her body.

"Come stay with me." Clark said after a moment of silence, surprising her as well as himself. Her judgmental brown eyes looked at him as if he was crazy, she would not be pitied-- even if she was crying drunk on the floor at work and living out of a hotel room.

"No. I got myself into this mess; I'll figure it out." She said stubbornly, allowing him to help her up from the ground now that she was done crying. She truthfully didn't want to stay with him. She didn't need anyone's hand outs-- she just wanted someone to listen to her. The worst part about her new lonely lifestyle was the fact that she spent a lot of time talking and listening to herself. Rarely ever did she get to talk to someone who would treat her like a human being instead of a walking sob story.

"Marilyn.." Clark sighed, deciding to be blunt. "Hotels are expensive. You're an assistant-- I know you're not making more than I do and I barely make enough to live comfortably on my own. How much money do you have left?"

'Two more nights worth of hotel money if I don't eat lunch or dinner.' She said sarcastically in her head. The thought mortified her as she came to the realization that she would be truly screwed if she didn't accept Clark's offer. His face full of concern looked as if he already knew the answer. She chose to stay quiet rather that justify him with a response. She was embarrassed, tired, and desperately wished Edward was around to give her a hug and assure her that the hardships she was facing would soon be over. After being luxuriously taken care of for twenty-one years, this was one of the hardest things she had ever faced in her life. Tears welled up in her eyes again.

"Marilyn-- please. It would just be until you can figure out a new plan of action. I have the room and I like to think that you and I are friends. Friends helps each other out." Clark pleaded, wanting to make her feel like moving in with him was her choice rather than just forcing her altogether. He wanted her to trust him. He wanted to keep her safe. Marilyn's blank stare told him she was thinking about it; possibly going over the option in her head. She quite literally had nothing else to lose anyway, and if she had completely run out of money, she wouldn't be able to look cute anymore. Bye-bye to monthly expensive pore minimizing face masks and new clothes.

"I don't really have any stuff.. It won't be a hard move." She reluctantly agreed, watching his whole face light up with a different kind of happiness she had never seen before. He pulled her into the big hug she had been craving for awhile now; she couldn't lie to herself, contact from another person felt great.

"Just until you're back on your feet. I promise."

Authors Note: Hey, guys! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! I've gotten a lot of requests for a truly smutty Clark/Mari interaction, so I'm working on that currently! After this next filler chapter I'm gonna post, I'll release the smut on the world. >:-) If any of you have any suggestions on a storyline or who starts it, etc., I'd love to hear your suggestions! Be sure to leave them in the comments below, thanks in advance!

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