Ch.15 - Unforgettable

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"Unforgettable... That's whaaaat youuuuu aaaarrreeee...."

Clark stretched out comfortably in the bed. The cold sheet felt good against his bare skin. Much better than the little blanket he slept with on the couch.

"Unforgettable-- though near or faaaaaarrrrrrr!!!"

He listened to the cheerful singing along to Frank Sinatra's 'Unforgettable' on the ihome speaker and the shower running in the bathroom. She was no Whitney Houston, but she sounded happy. Genuinely happy just to be singing in the shower. Clark rubbed his head and glanced over at the side of the bed she had slept on, the spot still slightly warm and smelling of her peach perfume.

'What a night.' He thought to himself with a satisfied smirk before getting out of bed and glancing at the clock. It was a little past ten in the morning and he had slept comfortably for the first time in God knows how long.

"Like a song of love that clings to me--
How the thought of you, does things to me.." The line in the song sung out loud sent chills down his spine. How true it was indeed.

"Never before has someone been more---Unfooorrrgettaaaabbbllllee; in every way!!" Clark entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him, letting the room fill with warm vapors as he opened the glass shower door and gently pushed her up against the tile wall. She didn't startle or protest to his surprise. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into a steamy kiss while Frank sang on.

"And forever more, that's how you'll stay-- That's why darling it's incredible that someone so unforgettable, thinks that I am unforgettable... too."

He found himself instantly being swept up in a state of arousal and desire again, his batteries recharged for round two as he silently thanked God that the woman was already naked for him. He wasted no time in lifting her up around his waist to pin her against the wall with his hips; entering her without warning or caution, letting her feel every inch he had to offer her.

"Fuck!" She let out a few other choice words that seemed to echo off the bathroom walls while he rocked into hers.

"Unforgettable in every way-- oh, oh, oh---
And forever more, that's how you'll staaaay.."

Clark pulled her legs a little further apart and began plunging into her with a sense of urgency. His heavy panting in her ear told her he was already close, but more determined than ever to ride it out for her. She was like the most heavenly type drug. With every hit he was able to take of her-- hips meeting hips, the echoing sounds of flesh slapping vehemently against flesh-- he got higher.

"Mari.." Clark sighed; grunting forcefully as he felt goosebumps rise under his fingertips. He had never been this receptive to a female before. She demanded all his senses without ever saying a word, and by God, she deserved them. He wasn't so sure love was the right word at the moment, but the familiar tightening in his abs made him feel something towards her.

"Cum.." She whispered, smiling against his ear as she gently bit his earlobe. How could he NOT do anything she asked him to?

"That's why darling, it's in-cre-di-ble! That someone so unforgettable-- thinks that I am unforgettable.... too."

The song came to and end and so did Clark; the euphoric feeling ripped through his body like the most brilliant punch to the gut. He squeezed her tightly, attempting to catch his breath in the now sauna like room that had filled with steam. She kissed his lips with a small smirk and left the shower without another word to dry herself off. He leaned against the cool tile wall and let the water beat down on him, letting it wash away the sweat and other mess he had made. He didn't understand it. How could this one woman entice him so well? Why did the very sight of her or smell of her perfume make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up? At one point in his life he was sure he was in love with Lois, but it had never felt like this before. It didn't feel like a billion tiny fireworks went off under his skin from her touch. It didn't make his whole body tense in pleasure. Hell, it hardly even sent a single goosebump up his skin.

He had to have her. He knew that much for sure.

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