Ch. 17 - Making Friends

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The question stunned her. Vacation days? Why? Where would Clark be taking her that required vacation days?

"I don't think I can leave town, Clark.. I have plans this weekend." Marilyn said honestly, thinking about the arrangements she made to attend a bachelorette party of a friend from the office who was getting married soon. It of course wasn't a big deal; she didn't owe Leticia anything or play a pivotal role in the success of the party, but she felt like it was high and time she'd made some friends of the female gender. She was truthfully excited when Leticia warmly extended her the invitation, citing that she was a great friend and hoped she was able to make it and cut loose for a night. She could ditch the party and go off to wherever Clark wanted to take her, but this felt different. This felt like something she needed to do. Clark seemed surprised, but understanding.

"Do you mind if I ask what kind of plans?" He stuck his hands in his pockets, feeling awkward for even asking. He wasn't her boyfriend. Or anyone to her really, he thought. He didn't need to know. She could just tell him to mind his own business and he would completely deserve it. It was in that moment he realized that maybe having sex had complicated his view of their relationship. He cared for her deeply; deeper than his carnal desires for her. He had an intense need to take care of her. He wanted her to be happy and so desperately to be apart of her life in a way far more intimate than just sex friends. But he didn't even know how she viewed him or what might be going through her head. He took it upon himself to play a boyfriend type of role he wasn't even sure she wanted filled.

"Leticia invited me to her bachelorette party.. I kinda wanted to make some friends." Her answer was simple and informative and he was grateful for at least that. He remembered a time where asking Lois certain questions was like a terrorist investigation. Getting the truth out of her was tricky most times, and almost always ended in Superman having to rescue her from whatever trouble she weaved her way in to. Things were so different with Marilyn who wasn't even his.

"No, I completely understand. I thought maybe you'd wanna go to Kansas with me for the week; I plan on visiting my mom and I thought it'd be fun to take you with me.. Maybe get away from all this." He motioned towards the giant flower arrangement Lex had sent as she smiled. He was so thoughtful. Always thinking about different ways to rescue her from her unhappiness.

"You're always thinkin' of me." Marilyn smiled and got up from her desk to press a thankful kiss against his cheek, leaving a cherry red lip stain on his skin. She left him in silence while she went to collect her copies from the printer. It was definitely true. She was always on his mind.


"Is this too short?" Marilyn emerged from the bedroom to show off a skin tight little black dress that clung to her as if it were painted on. Clark felt a burning deep and low in his abdomen.

"If it were up to me, your back would be against the mattress right now." He thought, swallowing the dirty image in his mind.

"You look beautiful." He substituted his fantasy for a comment that made her blush.

"You're not just saying??" She nervously insisted to know. It had been forever since she had gone out on a night with other females rather than dates, and she so desperately craved to fit in and be like-able.

"I would never." Clark smirked, crossing his heart with his index finger as a sign of honesty. She sat beside him on the couch and anxiously awaited the knock at the door that would be Ramona, Leticia's pregnant sister in law, who was the designated driver for the night. She said she would be at the apartment for pick up at 7:30 PM, but as the clock inched closer to 8:00, Marilyn began to have doubts.

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