Chapter 6: Good News, Bad News

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Once again, Danny and Sam stood in front of everyone in the Fenton living room. They had almost become accustomed to being stared at by Danny's family.

Ever since Sam and Danny had began dating again, Sam's parents really hadn't had much to do with her. It seemed to her as if they hated Danny, but, she didn't care. It would just mean that they would miss out on their second grandchild.

"Well?" Jack was growing impatient. Maddie had been making fudge before everyone was called to the living room by the two lovebirds. And Jack REALLY wanted that fudge.

"Is Sam backing out? I should have known." Jazz blurted out.

"No, I'm not Jazz! I love Danny and I want to be with him. If I wanted to back out, I would have backed down 3 months ago!" Sam raged.

"Sam, calm down. Jazz, let me talk, okay?" Danny replied, giving his sister a 'shut-up-or-she-will-hurt-you' look.

Jazz just gave a thick sigh in reply.

"Okay, the reason we've called everyone together this time is, well...Sam's pregnant." Danny said quickly, hoping not to get a lecture from his parents about sex before marriage.

"You mean?" Was all Danny's mother, Maddie, could get out before she burst into tears of happiness.

Jack just laughed and said, "That's my boy."

Jazz didn't seem too happy, but, of course, she had always been "miss responsible."

"You mean, you aren't upset or mad at me?" Danny asked, almost sheepishly.

"How could we be mad, Danny, you're giving us another grandchild!" Maddie said through her tears.

Jazz rolled her eyes.

"How can you be happy about this? He and Sam did it before they got married! Have you forgotten about that?"

It was just like Jazz to bring everyone back down to earth.

"Well, we're going to be married." Sam reminded them.

"Sam, how long have you known?" Maddie asked her future daughter-in-law.

Sam hesitated.

"Yeah, Sam, how long have you known?" Danny inquired of his soon-to-be bride.

"About two, two and a half months. Give or take a week?" The goth replied, hoping Danny wouldn't be upset.

"So, you two were in bed together just after two months of being a couple? It's a surprise you weren't parents in high school!" Jazz once again blurted out something she probably shouldn't have.

"Jazz, either be quiet or go home." Maddie warned her daughter. "Danny, Sam, I do wish you would have been married before this happened, but, what's done is done." She smiled as she hugged the soon-to-be married, soon-to-be parents, couple and began to walk into the kitchen to finish the fudge.

(Okay, I've got to interrupt and say here, Danny and his boys had been staying at the Fenton home, his parents house, while he tried to find a house.)

"Oh, wait, I've got more good news." Danny stopped his mother.

The group in the living room heard Jack and the children groan audibly from the kitchen.

"I found a house." Danny continued, "Big enough for everyone."

"Everyone?" Sam asked, almost as if she had a cue.

"Yeah, everyone. Me, you, Alex, Shaylee, Eric, the unborn baby, and rooms for 3 more children." Danny smiled at his fiance.

The group began to thin out, leaving Danny and Sam alone in the living room.

"Danny, can you afford that, though? I mean, when I have to go on maternity leave, you'll be the only source of income and..." Danny put his index finger on Sam's lips.

"Ah, ah, ah... I have a plan..." He whispered in her ear.

"And this plan would be?" She returned with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to expose my secret..." He hardly could speak it out.

"No, Danny, we'll do it some other way. I can do summer school, driver's ed, anything to keep you from having to expose your secret." She was on the verge of tears. She knew what exposing Danny Phantom meant. She would never see Danny again. She just got him back, she wasn't going to risk losing him again.

"Trust me..." The halfa whispered.

Through tears in her eyes, Sam replied, "I trust you..."

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