Chapter 7: Secrets Exposed

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Two weeks later...

Sam let the tears fall. In a hour, she would never see Danny again.

Danny himself had arranged for today's press conference.

Sam sat backstage. The stage had been set up right next to Amity Park city hall. Danny sat next to her reading and rereading his speech. More like confessional. He was even going to tell the children's secrets too, even their unborn baby's ghost side is being revealed.

Why did Danny insist on doing this? Sam was conflicted. She didn't want this to happen, yet, she knew it needed to happen, sooner instead of later. Before Sam knew it, it was time to start.

Sam's mind raced so quickly she didn't even catch most of the press conference. She was forced to focus when Danny changed from Fenton to Phantom.

She gasped along with the crowd. Mainly because Danny hadn't been vaporized for the guys in white. With that, the press conference was over and she and Danny went home.

They had no less walked in the door when the phone rang. It was the president with a job offer and a pay raise. Sam almost spazzed when Danny told her how many digits his paycheck would now be. Needless to say, the house was now in their price range.

Later that week...

Sam and Danny where moving into their new house. Sam was 12 weeks pregnant and things seemed fine...well, except for her off and on morning sickness she was fine. She was also ready to find out what gender her baby was.

If it was a boy, she was going to name it Daniel James Fenton, unless Danny said otherwise. If it was a girl she was going to name it Lillian Suzanne Fenton, once again, unless Danny said otherwise.

Sam (While she was pregnant with her daughter) had always wanted Shaylee to be named Lillian, but, her ex-husband, Ken, hated the name Lillian. So, she had to change it.

Sam couldn't wait for her ultra sound. She wanted to start working on the baby's nursery. She wanted to hold her and Danny's precious child. This child was special, not that Alex, Shaylee, and Eric weren't special, but, they were Danny's sons or Sam's daughter. But, the baby was their child, not just Danny's child or Sam's child, it was their child.

2 Months Later...

Today was the day. Sam would be having her ultra sound today. Danny wished he could attend, but, when you work for the government, you don't get many off-days, and, he wanted to be there for the birth. Sam would tell him tonight.

The drive to the hospital seemed like an eternity. The wait in the waiting room? seemed longer. Then, finally, the nurse or whatever this lady's job title was came and lead her the the room.

After the woman left, Sam looked at herself in the full-length mirror in the room.

Funny... She thought, I don't think I was this big at 5 months with Shaylee. Nah, it's probably nothing. I've probably just gained weight.

As Sam sat down, the technician entered. Sam's doctor was Stella Micheals, a tall, blond supermodel type that ditched the airhead persona and had went and done something real with her life. And, at 35, she still looked great.

"Looks like we have one anxious mommy." Stella smiled as she adjusted the machine.

"I am," Sam replied, "I wanted to know 2 months ago."

"Well, your wait is finally over." Stella smiled as Sam jumped from the cold gel touching her tummy.

The machine came to life as Stella glanced over and asked, "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes. Definitely. I want to know." Sam blurted out excitedly.

"Well, from the look of it, it's a boy..." Stella told the ecstatic mother.

"So, blue. I need to buy blue!" Sam said happily.

"You better buy some pink too."

"Oh no. My baby's a he-she?" Sam said, almost too much like a blond.

"No. One's a boy and one's a girl." Stella replied patiently. That's when she realized... "Oh, you didn't know you where having twins, did you?"

"Twins? A boy and a girl? Twins?" Sam was dumbfounded. "I can't wait to tell Danny."

Sam did wait though. She wanted to tell him face to face.

Sam looked at the clock, it read 4:55pm. Danny would be off work in 5 minutes. His office was his lab/study that was upstairs. He came down as the grandfather clock chimed.

"Well?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we've got to buy pink..."

"So, it's a girl?" Danny wondered aloud.

"But," Sam continued, "We've got to buy blue, too."

"What?" Danny was confused.

"I'm not having a baby, I'm having babies. It's twins, a boy and a girl." Sam smiled at Danny, who still seemed frazzled.

"Fraternal or identical?" Danny was sure they weren't identical. Different gendered twins almost always met they where fraternal. Danny knew this because there where twins in Andrea's family tree. And his ex-mother-in-law had told him all about it.

"They ran a test and, surprisingly, they are identical." Sam told her fiance. She still couldn't believe that in a month, they would be getting married. And in 3-4 months, she would be holding their twins. Life was too good...

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