Chapter 10: The Name Game

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With everyone back into place, the priest continued his spill on how the necklace and dogtags brought them together as a family, but, Danny denied that. They didn't need material things to make them all a family. They already were. All this ceremony did was make it legal.

Danny snapped to attention when the priest called on him to give Shaylee her necklace.

"Danny, present the necklace to Shaylee."

Danny got down to her level, on one knee, and pulled out the necklace.

"Shaylee, I already consider you my daughter. You are just like your mother in every way. And I love you. I bought you this necklace to remind you that you have a daddy that loves you no matter what you do. There's nothing you could ever do to make me stop loving you. I want you to wear this necklace proudly, okay?" He explained to the girl as he put the necklace around her neck.

Shaylee nodded slightly as a tear went down her cheek.

Danny stood up again and looked to his bride, she had tears in her eyes too.

"Sam, present Alex and Eric their dog tags." The priest nudged, hurrying the ceremony along.

"You two, I've loved you like a mother since the day that I met you. And, I'm so glad this day is here. I can finally call you mine. Wear these dog tags proudly for me." Sam told her sons as she snapped one onto each of them.

The priest turned to the crowd and said, "I now present to you, Mister and Misses Daniel James Fenton and their family!"

As the family began their descent down the aisle, instead of the traditional wedding march, a song from Dumpty Humpty blared over the speakers. With Shaylee by Danny's side and the boys on Sam's side, and the newlywed couple holding hands in the center, they began to dance down the aisle having fun like any family should have.

Life was going great for the Fenton clan, and Danny and Sam had their spats every now and again, like any other young couple would. Days were passing and Sam was counting them down.

2 Months Later...

"Danny! Wake up!" Sam was angry. He kept her awake many nights wondering if the babies were on the way, and when they actually were coming, he was dead to the world.


Danny rolled over, still half asleep. "Huh? What?"

"The babies are coming!" Sam whispered urgently in his ear. Danny's eyes popped wide open.

"The babies are coming?! Why didn't you tell me?!" The nearly hysterical father screamed as he jumped out of bed.

"Kids, get up and get ready to go to Uncle Tucker's!" Danny yelled as he ran down the hallway pulling his jeans up and slipping a t-shirt on. He grabbed the kid's suitcases and his and Sam's suitcase and ran outside and threw them into the back of the car.

"Danny, calm down. Everything's fine. We need to orderly make our way to the hospital." Sam told her husband, trying to calm him down.

"Yes, you're right. Come on, let's go." Danny replied as he helped Sam make her way to the car.

With the entire Fenton clan in the car, they zipped off to their first destination. Tucker and Valerie Foley's house.

With the kids safe at the Foley home, the expectant parents made their way St. Peter's hospital.

They arrived and all eyes immediately were on them. With Danny's secret being out he was kind of famous. Sam was kind of happy about this new fame. Why? Because with her being the ghostguy's wife, it meant she was first on the list.

After what seemed like 12 hours (it was only four), Sam was holding her and Danny's twins. She had been waiting for this day eight long months and finally, it was here.

"M'am, what are there names?" The doctor asked. It was almost like a record had been scratched.

"That's a very good question." Sam looked to Danny.

"Hey, don't look at me! I'm no good with names." Danny responded.

"How about we name the boy after you?"

"No way! I hate it when people do that. It's almost like they don't care enough to find a different name. What about Chance? I like that name." Danny suggested.

"I've got it! The boy's name is Chance Alexander Fenton." Sam said, beaming.

"Now, what about the girl?" The doctor asked as handed the birth certificates to them so they could fill them out.

"Well, I love the Lillian, but our niece is named that." Sam looked puzzled again.

"What about Madeline Lillian Fenton?" Danny again suggested.

"Hey, that's cute. And you said you were no good with names." Sam joked.

"I think you need some rest Sam. I'll hold the twins, you sleep." Danny whispered to Sam as he took a baby in each arm and sat down in the rocker.

I can't believe this. I'm rocking my and Sam's children to sleep... Danny said as the room grew more empty and quiet.

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