Chapter 1

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8 years ago

Alfie come on we are going to be late. I shout to Alfie who is upstairs getting dressed for are gleam party. Typical Alfie. I say to myself. I look at my watch and I was so anxious. Not just cause we were late but because I have something I have Alfie and I'm terrified to tell him and how he will react about it. This could change Alfie and I relationship forever.

Alfie runs downstairs with one shoe on and the other in his hand. I couldn't help put laugh. Alfie smirks at me. You look so beautiful tonight. Alfie says giving me a peck on the lips. I smile you look great too but you would look better with two shoes on. I say laughing. Alfie laughs and puts his shoe on and off we went to this party.

Every time I look at Alfie I feel more afraid to tell him the news how is he going tot react. Alfie and I arrive at the party. Alfie and I walk in hand in hand. As soon as I walk into the door. Louise runs over to me. Chummy I have I situation. Louise says. What is it. I ask. There's a cute guy over there and I'm to shy to talk to him a dm I need your help. Louise says. I laugh. Louis I thought something serious happened. I sigh. This is serious Louise says pulling me away.

On the way over to this boy Louise asks me Have you told Alfie the news. No I'm to scared. I say. You have to tell him sooner or later. Louise says. I know. I sigh. Chummy how do I look. Louise says before we go up to the guy. Great now let go get you that guy. I say laughing.

After an hour of talking to that guy I felt like I was third wheeling so I decide to go find Alfie. I walk around looking for Alfie and I can't see him anywhere. Until I look over at the corner and see Alfie I start to walk over to him as I get closer if all his name and then I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Alfie pov
I love your channel so much I'm a huge fan. The girl said. Thank you what's your name. I ask. Emma. The girl said. Well it's lovely to meet you Emma. I say. Omigod your so cute. Emma said. I laugh. Emma was looking at me biting her lip and with big eyes. Your irresistible. Emma said. I was about to back away then all of a sudden I heard Zoe call my name and Emma grabbed my face and kissed me.

I pull away and I turn around and Zoe's gone. I scan the room looking for her and I see her heading for outside. I run after her and then I see her outside. Zoe let me explain its not what you think. I say. How could you four years we have been together and you cheat on me. It's not what it look like seriously I love you and only you Zoe. I say nearly tears. I don't care anymore you can be with that girl if you want. Zoe said. I don't want her she kissed me. I say. I'm not in the mood for lies. Zoe says. It the truth. I say. I don't believe you I seen you. Well it doesn't matter does it cause we are done anyway Im moving to America on Friday to start a modeling career so you can be with any girl you want. Zoe says. What Zoe you can't leave I love you. I say in tears.

Zoe starts crying. Just leave me alone Alfie I don't want to see you ever again.

Thank you for reading this book is written by two internet friends pointless_sugg12 and _zalfies_army_ I hope you enjoy it cause we put a lot of work into it.

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