Chapter 3; Initiation

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(Name) waited for the sun to rise, sitting by Jaune's bed, flipping a dagger over in his hand. He watched the blonde haired girl from across the room with slight distrust, having the faint feeling she might still be awake. He used his visor to check the vital signs of all the students in the room, and then relaxed, seeing they were all asleep. 
"This is going to be a long night..." (Name) muttered, his fake, deep gravely voice echoing towards the far side of the room. "I wonder what happened to that other Nevermore..." he said, thinking about the one he'd fought on the train. "Three escaped. I killed one, but I haven't seen the others..."

Jaune woke, shaking his head, and rapidly blinking. He didn't seem to be anywhere strange, and his sleeping back was in order, so it didn't seem like anyone had tried to pull something on him.
"Relax Jaune." a deep voice said from next to Jaune, startling him. Jaune looked to the side, and saw (Name) sitting down, just like he had been when Jaune went to sleep.
"Did you even sleep last night?" Jaune asked, getting out of his sleeping bag.
"There's a long day ahead of us. Get your gear together." (Name) instructed, ignoring Jaune's question.
The students got dressed, and met in an equipment locker room. They had awhile to spare, and so students were mostly standing around in groups talking, or getting their load outs together.
Jaune was busy searching for his own locker, as he couldn't remember where he'd put his equipment.

Ruby and Yang stood by their lockers, and Ruby pulled her weapon out of it. "No more awkward small talk!" Ruby exclaimed, lifting the folded weapon up. "Today I get to let my sweetheart talking."

A certain prestigious silver haired girl, walked through the locker room, looking for a suitable teammate for the upcoming exercise.
She spotted Pyrrha, a world renowned fighter, and made her way towards her.

(Name) watched all of this, intrigued to watch things play out, from the corner of the room. Eventually, he spaced out, waiting for the initiation to finally begin. He was brought back to the world by a few snaps in front of his face, and he looked up.
"Hey, I'm trying to talk to you." a silver haired female asked, her wintery eyes searching (Name)'s mask. (Name) saw her white dress, and long ponytail. Her features confirmed who she was, and (Name) bowed slightly, but not fully committing to the motion.
"Ms. Schnee." his modified voice said, startling the girl infront of her, as well as those in the immediate surroundings. "What can I do for you?"
"Finally, someone who recognizes me. Help me out." she said, looking disgustedly at the blonde boy approaching. "This Jaune kid is hell bent on filling up this team of four, and we need one more member."
"A redhead girl clad in bronze armor approached, and grabbed the other girl's shoulder, turning her around. They hunkered down and whispered, although (Name) could still hear their conversation.
"Weiss, maybe not him..." the redhead whispered.
"Why?" Weiss asked.
"Don't you know who that is? That's Ash." the redhead continued, a slight hint of warning in her voice.
"Listen up students." a female voice called from across the room. Glynda Goodwitch stood with a data pad, tapping on it, and then folding it under her arm. "You will all meet at the cliff for initiation in an hour. That is all."
"Sorry. I'm not that great a team player." (Name) said, walking by the girls as their argument continued. He left them as they were, their gazes watching his back as he left.

As Yang and Ruby finished messing with their equipment, Yang leaned down and whispered in her sister's ear. "You should try to get on a team with Ash." she whispered, watching the lightly armoured figure as he crossed the room.
"Why?" Ruby asked, recoiling. "He's scary!"
"No, he's freakin hot." Yang corrected, making Ruby gape at her sister, like she was crazy.
"What are you talking about?" Ruby asked, confused by her sister's sudden opinion change regarding Ash. "I thought you hated him!"
"W-well..." Yang stuttered, shrugging.

(Name) stepped up to the cliffside, watching the forest below. The skies overhead were clear, and flocks of birds flew through them occasionally. He folded his arms behind him, and took a deep breath. "What do you want?" he asked, directing his question to the man behind him.
"I'm glad to see you stayed." Ozpin said, walking to (Name)'s side. "I trust that you will be able to get through initiation?"
(Name) touched his side gently. The wound hadn't even begun to heal, and while he hated to admit it, he was worried about going back into the field. "I can do it." (Name) said. He was glad that his voice modifier removed the uncertainty from his voice, giving Ozpin no reason to press further.
"Very well." Ozpin said, leaving (Name)'s side.
Within the next fifteen minutes, (Name) stood on platforms with the rest of the students, lined up facing the cliff.
"Initiation is simple. You will make your way to the old temple." Ozpin instructed, pacing down the row of students. "You will select an artifact, proceed to the top of the hill there, and wait for extraction. The first person you make eye contact with will be your partner. You may use your own landing techniques as well. Any questions?" Ozpin finished, standing by Glynda Goodwitch. She tapped a few buttons on her datapad, and the platforms the students stood on locked down, ready to spring.
(Name) noticed he was going to be first to launch, but didn't bother readying himself. The platform sprung up beneath him, and (Name) soared through the air, using his limbs to guide the motion.
He looked over his shoulder, and saw other students following him, each doing various things to control their descent. Except for Jaune, who was flying through the air with limbs flailing.
(Name) noticed another student who was having trouble, and sighed. Ruby, the younger sister he'd met, was falling from the sky, holding her bandaged leg like it hurt. (Name) supposed that the force of the platform could have reopened her cuts.
As (Name) fell, he angled himself head first towards the ground, falling like a bullet. Black dust blew across his back. The grains collected, creating a rocky like, black wing. He used the wing to guide himself to the ground, but instead of slowing he sped up. He traveled quickly along the ground, turning around and flying back the way he had come. He outstretched his arms, finally slowing, and coming to a stop in the middle of the forest. His wing disintegrated, leaving no trace of existence. Ruby fell into his arms a moment latter, still screaming from the fall. She put her hands around (Name)'s neck and hugged it, burying her face in his chest plate, almost instinctively, and continued to scream.
When she was finally done, (Name) looked at her and sighed. "Done now?" he asked, making her look up.
"Uh... Yeah." she nodded, still looking into (Name)'s mask. "I can't tell if I saw your eyes... Did we make eye contact? Are we partners now?" she asked, rather desperately.
"No." (Name) simply stated, making Ruby look down, disappointed. "But I'll stay with you I tell we find somebody else for you to partner with."
Ruby perked up, and smiled, apparently pleased. (Name) turned around, and started walking, Ruby in his arms. Her leg looked as though it hurt, and (Name) figured he might as well carry her so she didn't have to walk on it for the time being.
"Um..." Ruby began. (Name) could feel her fingers tense around his neck, and he sighed.
"What?" he asked, more harsh than he meant to.
"W-well... My sister..." she continued, trying to think of words to say. "Mister Ash, what does your face look like?" Ruby finished, curiously looking at (Name)'s mask.
"Why do you ask?" (Name) asked, keeping his eyes fixed ahead, towards the temple.
"My sister saw you... Last night." Ruby explained, glancing around the forest.
"Hmmmm." (Name) hummed, acting as though he hadn't known this. "And what did she say?"
"That your hot." Ruby said, baffling (Name). Not quite knowing what to say, he remained silent, continuing to walk towards the temple.
"M-mister Ash?" Ruby stuttered nervously. (Name) looked at her again, and saw her still staring at his mask.
"Can you stop calling me that?" (Name) requested. "I'm no older than you."
That surprised Ruby, and she cocked her her head. "I thought you were like 40 or something..." she said, becoming a bit more relaxed.
"No..." (Name) stated, saying no more.
Trees cracked and fell over to the side, and (Name) turned to face the monster stepping through. (Name) put Ruby down, and she hid stepped behind him, putting (Name) between herself and the Grimm.
(Name) readied himself, expecting a powerful opponent. But when the Grimm stepped into the open, he relaxed, breathing out. "It's just a Beowolf." he said simply, pacing slowly towards it. "Must've wandered from the pack."
The Beowolf pounced, flying through the air, claws outstretched. (Name) quickly drew two knives, and hurled them into the creature's eyes, effectively blinding it. A sword formed in his hand, and he ducked beneath the Beowolf, raising it into the air and slicing it's body open. The Beowolf hit the ground, lifeless, and (Name) dropped his sword on it.
"That was so cool!" Ruby exclaimed, catching up with (Name). "You need to teach me that!!"
"You're partner's here." (Name) stated, nodding to the silver haired girl some ways away in the forest.
"What? Weiss? Wait-- oh..." she finished, disappointed. "Can't I come with you?" she pleaded a final time. (Name) didn't respond, instead opting to leave without a word. He walked for some time, until hearing some commotion in a cave.
Pyrrha stood by the cave, looking inside. "Jaune?!" she called into the cave, her voice echoing down and back. Moments later, (Name) heard the scuffling of legs that was all too familiar to him. A Deathstalker was approaching, and it was big.
The Grimm smashed through the cave wall, throwing Jaune out towards Pyrrha, who grabbed him and set him on the ground. (Name) passed them, forming a large sword in his hands. "Go. I'll catch up with you." he instructed as the large scorpion approached them, surveying them carefully with it's many eyes.
"You can't fight that thing on your own. Let me help." Pyrrha offered lifting her spear.
The Deathstalker's tail came down, and (Name) sidestepped it. It plunged into the ground, and (Name) slashed open the side of it's tail, and lunged forward, stabbing it in the eye. The Deathstalker shrieked, and backed away, hissing angrily.
"I think he can." Jaune said after the display, grabbing Pyrrha's hand, and leading her towards the temple.

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