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   Hi everyone!!! This is my first story so please don't judge it too harshly. Please do not steal my story! Everyone has the potential to write and make their own special story so don't steal mine. Sorry for any grammar mistakes I may make. Please comment if I do. I try to read through each chapter and edit them regularly. I hope you enjoy my story!

P.S. There is foul language and eventually sexual content. This is a rated R story so please proceed with caution. This story also involves depression and rape so please if any of this may be a trigger for you do not read.


Pain, all I feel is pain! Get it out, just get it out, is all I can think as I try to dig the pink glitter out of my eye. I finally get it out and have to redo that eyes makeup. Damn it! This always happens! 

     Two hours later I'm ready to walk out the door. I check myself out in the mirror by my front door. I look perfect, my makeup contoured, my hair in precise curls, and my skirt and blouse ironed. I look like who everyone thinks I am. The gorgeous girl with the perfect life.

     I lock the door on my out while unlocking my car. I've had this car for three years now. A baby blue convertible with leather interior. It was my fifteenth birthday present from my parents.

     I get to school an hour before the first bell rings, like always. And like always I try to take a quick nap in my car before I have to start my day as the perfect girl. Right as I'm about to fall asleep loud screeching tires and obnoxious laughter wakes me. I know exactly who it is, the badass group at my school, Lakelinn High. They always keep me from sleeping, I can blame them for all the times I've fallen asleep in my first period. Not that it really matters it's only English.

      Today is different though because for some reason they decide to park right next to me! Damn it, they usually park three aisles away from me! And of course it has to be the leader, Teddy who parks on my passenger side.

     I sink lower into my seat to ensure he won't spot me sleeping in my car. But of course I was hoping for to much apparently because all I hear is a knocking sound on my window and people laughing. I feel like crying, I feel like crying a lot but I never do, I never let myself because if I do people might start asking questions. So I put on my best fake smile and get out of my car.

      I'm surrounded by extremely hot guys. All belong to the badass group, this is what I call them, there really isn't any other way to describe them. " What, are you hungover," asks a tall brunette with bright blue eyes. "It's not like you would be able to tell with all the makeup she piles on," snarks a simple looking strawberry blonde girl. "Leave her alone, can't anyone just be tired, you hypocritical fuckers," exclaims a pissed looking Teddy.

     " Who are you calling hypocritical, little peace of shit," spits the strawberry blonde. She's very close to Teddy now and they both look like they will sock the other one in the mouth any second. The tall brunette yells at the strawberry blonde to calm down and come with him. Her name is apparently Brooke, because Teddy whispers under his breath that all girls named Brooke are bitches.

      Sorry if I offended anyone with the whole Brooke thing, if your name is Brooke and your reading this I'm sure you are not a bitch.

     Then he starts walking towards me. I stay away from anyone I can, most people just think it's because I'm a self centered bitch but I can't seem to move as the somewhat short but sexy dirty blond with blue eyes and plump pink lips boy walks closer and closer to me. It's not like he was very far from me in the first place, maybe five feet. But he moves so slickly that it's mesmerizing to watch. And it seems like an eternity before he reaches my side.

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