The house

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I've been sitting in my car for thirty minutes waiting on Teddy to show. I know he hasn't left school yet because his car is parked right next to mine! Where the hell is he? It's not like I'm in a big rush, I usually stay at school for an extra hour and half, which is when the library closes, then I go home. But I really want to see Teddy again and tell him I want to be his friend.

"Silvia! Hey you waited," says a smiling Teddy. I've never seen him smile like this before, it's bright like he's truly happy not just smiling for the show of it. Maybe we have a few things in common. "Hey, it's about time you showed up. "

"Huh, I like this edgier Silvia. I like you name by the way it's beautiful." I blush profusely. I just can't help it he's so damn hot, he gives me third degree burns without even touching me. Imagine what it would feel like if he was touching me! I look up and realize I forgot to respond, again. "Thank you," I whisper as I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Okay so what happens now?" I ask. "Well I'm waiting on my friends, and then we can go to the house," answers Teddy. The house? Who's house? Where? What are we going to do there? Why are his friends coming with us? I thought it was just going to be the two of us, maybe it's a good thing it isn't.

"Okay, well I'll follow you, I guess, when you leave that is. When are your friends going to be here anyway?"

"Um maybe another ten minutes. I would be with them but I wanted to come out here to check if you stayed or not. I guess it's a good thing I checked". I think I see a slight blush on Teddy's checks! Could he feel the same way about me as I do him?! "Okay. We could wait in the car so we don't have to sweat waiting on them," I say. "O cool, Teddy says as he starts walking towards the passenger side of my car.

"Hold up there's something wrong with your tires," states Teddy. I walk around to his side of the car and see both of my passenger side tires slashed! "What the FUCK!!!!!" I scream! I don't even care if Teddy sees me like this! I am so pissed right now! I love my car! It's my safe place, because when I'm in it I always have the option to drive away and never look behind me. But some asshole decided to ruin something precious to me.

I'm such a fucking mess today! I just want to drive to Teddy's house. " I can fix your tires for you today, we just need to call my buddy who has a tow truck, hold up," explains Teddy. As Teddy talks on his phone I try to think who would do this to me, was it Darla and her squad or was it Robert? I don't know what to think.

       Teddy hangs up the phone and explains, "my guy will be here as soon as possible and bring it to my house." "Okay, thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done If you weren't here," I tell him, which is completely true. I probably would've just walked home, which is a 45 minute drive away from the school. And who knows what my punishment would've been when I told my dad what happened.

A few minutes later the rest of the badass group walks out of the school building. I wonder what they were doing, usually they leave school as soon as possible. 

      "What the fuck if she doing here?!" Spits Brooke. I don't know why she is so mad I've never even talked to her. " Shut the fuck up Brooke! Stop acting like a bitch. She's with me so you can't say another thing about her or we'll have problems!" Teddy yells at Brooke. She immediately shuts up and looks down.

      "Silvia is coming to the house with me but her tires got slashed so Andy is coming to pick her car up so I can replace her tires, so all of you guys can pile into the truck and we'll just drive to the house later in my car," explains Teddy to the group of six hot guys, but none as hot as Teddy.

"Alright we'll see you later," states a sandy blond with brown eyes. They all get in the truck most sitting in the bed. They speed off leaving my and Teddy alone.

        I turn to Teddy, catching him staring at me ! He turns away quickly like he's embarrassed. I never expected a guy like Teddy to get embarrassed, he's probably slept with more people then I can count.

There isn't any talking for a little while, and it starts to get awkward so I ask "why was your group staying after school today?"

"Well don't tell Brooke I told you but we stayed at this tutoring thing to help her with her classes, she's failing all but art." "O that makes sense,"I answer.

       "Yeah, oh there's Andy," states Teddy as he waves over a tow truck. The tow truck pulls up next to us and a huge muscular man with jet black hair down to his waste steps out. He's one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen! Teddy has to be the only guy hotter then him!

"Hey Teddy, this the car?" asked Andy. "Yeah this is it," said Teddy. I stayed quite while Andy and Teddy talked about my car. After about 20 minutes Andy has my car all hooked up and ready to go. "Okay we'll meet you at the house," said Teddy to Andy. "Alright, see you."

"You ready," asked Teddy as he turned to go to his car. "Yep," I replied. Teddy opened the passenger side door for me, which was extremely sweet and made me blush. About ten minutes into the ride Teddy said "we'll be there soon."

I replied,"okay." Things were getting awkward, all that we've talked about was school and our grades this whole time. Maybe he doesn't like me and that's why we don't have anything to talk about. I don't know what to think, I don't know why I want him to like me so much.

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