I can stay?

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Teddy's POV

I want to kill whoever did this to my beautiful Silvia! And I will! I just have to wait until she tells me who did this to her. Until then I just have to be here for her.

After a few moments of silence I say, "Thank you for telling me, and I only want you to tell me what you want me to know okay. I'll never force you to tell me. I promise. And Silvia you are completley correct when saying that I will protect you because I will."

We stare into each other's eyes for a minute until I realize if we keep this up the water will get cold so I just ask, "May I help wash the front of your body now?" I mean it in a completely innocent way and she knows that because she nods her head but I can't help to think that one day when she's better I might be able to look at her in a different way.

Oh God, what am I thinking! I have never thought about a girl like this. I always fuck and then forget.

Silvia hisses all of a sudden and jerks away. "Was I too rough? Where hurts?" I ask.

"If I'm being honest literally every inch of my body hurts. But I hissed because you were washing over my ribs."-Silvia

Why would me washing her ribs cause her more pain? I rub my fingers gently over Silvia's ribs. A shiver goes down my spine with the way I'm touching her. Then I feel the unevenness and know more than one of her ribs are broken and a couple more are healing improperly from never being treated. I suck in a breath. This girl has been through much more than I could've ever imagioned.

Silvia moves from my touch slightly with tears falling down her face. "Shh, baby it'll be okay, I'm going to take care of you."

A half an hour later and she's completly clean. Now for the dressing part. Silvia tries to stand but almost falls but I caught her due to the fact that I was already ready to catch her because I knew she couldn't stand. But, she needed to try so I let her. I picked her up not caring the slightest that she was getting me wet.

I walk into my room and gently lay her down. "Is a large shirt of mine okay with you? That's all I have, sorry."

"Yes, thank you." She says barely above a whisper.

I grab a shirt and help her change. It was slightly awkward again but at least now I know she trusts me. "Two of your ribs are fractured on your right and three on the left. I'm going to need to tape them up. Okay?"


Silvia's POV

Teddy goes to the bathroom to grab some bandages. Once he returns he gently lifts my shirt and starts to wrap the bandage around my ribs. I've always tried to help my ribs heal properly but whenever my dad would see the bandages he would rip them off and hit me in the same spot that I had wrapped. So I just stopped bandaging my self because it brought more pain then it did healing.

I'm frozen in my spot as Teddy's fingers slide across my ribs and stomach. It feels so nice and caring. Nothing like the way those filthy men's and my fathers hands felt like when they touched me. I feel like crying again but I'm so sick of crying! I just want to be happy and forget all about my shitty past.

I let my eyes slip closed. My body is extremely exhausted after taking a bath and from the slight pain the tight bandages bring.

"Hey baby before you fall asleep take this please," says Teddy as he place two pills into her hand. "What is it?" I question. I have no reason to not trust Teddy but I still want to know what I'm going to be putting into my body.

"One is a strong pain killer that I have left over from when I got shot once. And the other is muscle relaxer left over from when my back was injured. Your not allergic to anything are you?" asks Teddy.

I shake my head and swallow the pills with water.

I let the exhaustion consume me and fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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