Preference 1: How You Meet

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Gordie: You met Gordie at school. You'd both signed up for college level classes your first year of junior high and you were both really nervous. The teacher gave assigned seats and you guys sat with each other at the partner tables. Seeing how out of his element he looked, you decided to introduce yourself. "Hi" you whispered he looked over at you, and smiled "hey" he said quietly back. "I'm Y/N" you said "Gordie". "I'm glad we're partners I was nervous I was gonna be with a complete jerk" you said, he smiled "well I'm not a jerk" he said, "I can see that". You guys whispered back and forth the rest of the period, eventually getting in trouble and having to stay after class, but you guys didn't really mind.

Chris: You and Chris had known each other since you were little, but you didn't really start hanging out until you were around twelve. He was very protective of you, and you guys loved spending time together.

Teddy: you had to go to the "looney bin" to visit your mom. You hated coming to this place, but you missed your mom and didn't want to miss the chance to see her. After a while of trying to talk to your mom, most of what she said didn't even make since, you decided to take a walk outside so your dad could talk to your mom alone. Walking around outside you knew no matter how much you hoped and wished, your mom was never getting out of that place. You ended up at a bench where you began crying. After having to act strong for your dad for so long you couldn't take it anymore. You cried for a while, then someone came up behind you. "Hey, you okay?" A boys voice asked, you wiped your eyes and turned to him. "Yeah I'm good" you lied. He came over and sat beside you. He looked around your age, had shaggy brown hair and wore glasses, you could see that his left ear was severely burned. "One of your folks in here?" He asked "yeah my mom is" you said "my old man's in there to. I know it's rough but their where they need to be, don't cry". You smiled "thanks" you said, he smiled and nudged you with his elbow "no problem. I'm Teddy" he said "Y/N" you said.

Vern: you were sitting in the nurses office after your glasses were broken in the lunch room. You couldn't see five feet in front of you, so the nurse had called your mom to come get you. You sat on the examination table kicking your feet back and forth when the door opened. The nurse came in guiding a boy to a chair, holding a tissue to his, it was obvious he was bleeding. "Just sit there until it stops, I'll call your folks" the nurse said kindly and walked out. You looked over at the boy, he was stuffing to get the bleeding stopped, you knew someone had hit him. "It helps if you tilt your head back" you informed "Thanks" he said throwing the bloody tissue away and getting a new one off the counter. "You okay?" you asked him "yeah, it's not the first time this has happened" he said smiling kindly at you, "sorry about that, their loss". He smiled "I'm Vern" he said "Y/N, I'd come shake your hand but I'd probably fall on my face" you said, making him chuckle.

Ace: You were the newest waitress at the diner, and you were having a rough day. It was super crowded and it seemed to be jerk day, as everyone was being rude to you. It was almost the end of your shift, finally. You only had a few more tables. You walked over to the crowded table, getting your notepad out to take their order. "Hi what can I get you guys" you said getting your pen ready. "Your number doll" a deep voice said, you rolled your eyes and looked up. You knew this guy, Ace something, and all his little goons that followed him everywhere. "I meant food" you said, unimpressed with his flirty behavior. "A number 4, and your number" he said making his buddy's laugh, you chuckled "I'll get your food and I'll take the other part into consideration" you said walking away.

Eyeball: You were sitting on your roof one night looking at the stars, as you often did, when you heard it...yelling from the house across the street. You had no idea what was going on until finally the front door opened. An angry looking man came out, holding a scared boy about your age by the back of his shirt. You had no idea what you should do. The man was yelling crazy words at the boy, things a man should NEVER say to his son. You were boy to run inside and get your parents when you saw the man push the boy to the ground and kick him straight in the stomach. You gasped. The man went back inside the house after that, as if that brutal kick was the end of the fight. You looked at the boy get to his knees, slightly gasping and holding his sore stomach. You knew what you needed to do. You ran inside, got what you needed, told you parents you'd be back, then shyly made your way across the street. The boy was sitting on the front steps when you got there. When you reached him, he looked up at you, tears in his pretty green eyes. "Hi" you said shyly "hi" he said in a weak voice. "I'm Y/N" you said, holding out your hand to him, and ice pack there for him to take. He looked at it for a second, then at you, as if studying if he should be talking to you. Then he smiled greatfully, knowing he'd made a new friend. "Eyeball" he said taking the ice pack from you.

Billy: You met this bad boy in dentention. This was not a first for Billy, he'd been here a billion times, but you were practically shaking as the teacher in charge of watching the two of you let you know the rules. You weren't supposed to be here. It wasn't your fault. I mean yeah, you pulled the fire alarm, but only to help your friend who was getting the crap kicked out of him. Of course the bully who caused all this made it sound like it was all your fault and you got all the trouble. Now you were sitting a dingy class room that you'd never been in before, shaking and biting your nails as a teacher let you know that you were not aloud to talk for the next three hours. Finally the dude finished babbling and walked out of the class room, which you didn't understand. 'If he's in charge of watching us, shouldn't he be watching us?' You thought. All the sudden, the dark haired boy who'd been sitting in front of you got up from his seat and came back to sit beside you. "How you doing?" He asked, you shrugged "you better go back to your seat before he comes back and you get us in more trouble" you said worriedly. The boy laughed "he never stays the whole time. He won't be back for at least another hour, he likes to make out with miss Jones in the teachers lounge". You couldn't help but giggle. "I'm Billy. And your really cute" he said making you blush. 'Okay, I'm starting to like dentention', you thought

Charlie: You were Ace's younger sister. He hated it when you hung out with them, but one night you black mailed him into taking you out with his friends. After he saw you and Charlie making googly eyes at each other all night, he promised to never fall for your tricks again.

Denny: You were at your very first school dance at your new school. You'd came with a small group of friends, but they ditched you to dance with boys. A new song on and you swayed in your seat, tapping your foot to the beat, you loved this song. A tall boy with dark hair walked up to you. "Gotta love Buddy Holly huh?" he says you laughed "he's my favorite" you said "me to, you want to dance", your heart started beating faster "sure". He offered a hand to you, which you took, and he lead you to the dance floor, where everyone was slow dancing. He put his hands awkwardly on your hips and you put your hands on his shoulders. "I'm Y/N by the way" you said "I know. I've seen you around school. I was looking forward to meeting you tonight" he said "really?" He nodded "yeah, and I'm Denny". You smiled "well Denny, thanks for making this the best first dance" you said, he smiled and pulled you closer, "your welcome" he said and you continued dancing, resting your head on his chest.

A/N: Hey guys!!!! I was so excited about this series. I love the film Stand By Me and couldn't wait to share this with you. I hope you enjoy and send in some requests soon!!
- Leotie 💖

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