Couple Prompts...

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A/N: Hey guys, thank you all for reading these you guys are awesome. Once again for this prompt, the guys are older than they were in the movie. Also, I will be using songs from the 50s or 60s for this prompt. Love you guys!
- Leotie 💖

1. Who made the first move: You did
2. Who said I Love You first: He did
3. How often do you fight: Not very often
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: I think you'd be the big spoon
5. Who is the better cook: You are
6. Your song: 'Stand by Me' because you both know as long as you have each other everything is okay (You catch that refrence though!)
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You both do
8. Favorite things to do together: Read commics, write stories and watch movies
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: I think you would
10. How you got engaged: Gordie showed up at your house on one knee with flowers and a ring

1. Who made the first move: He did
2. Who said I Love You first: He did
3. How often do you fight: You both hate fighting so you always try and keep it peacful.
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: He's the big spoon
5. Who is the better cook: You are
6. Your song: 'Do You Love Me (Now That I can Dance) by The Contours. You and Chris like to dance around your room to it on full volume.
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You both do
8. Favorite things to do together: Dance, Take walks, and Go to the Ice cream shop
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: I think you guys would be pretty equal
10. How you got engaged: Chris proposed to you in bed. You'd been laying there cuddling when he pulled the ring out of his night stand and asked you to merry him

1. Who made the first move: He did
2. Who said I Love You first: You did
3. How often do you fight: You guys fight every so often, usually because of how crazy he gets, but they don't get bad
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: He's the big spoon
5. Who is the better cook: You are
6. Your song: 'When a Man Loves a Woman' by Percy Sledge. Teddy lip syncs the words and tries to get you to dance with him, which you hate but dance anyway
7. Who remembers your anniversary: Usually you, but he tries.
8. Favorite things to do together: Run around playing stupid games, because you're both kids at heart, and you love taking walks.
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: You do
10. How you got engaged: I see you and Teddy having a child together before being married and he would incorporate your child into the proposal. Probably telling your kid what to say then send it to you while he hides. The kid would walk up and say "will you merry my Daddy: then hand you the ring, then Teddy would come out and take it from there.

1. Who made the first move: You did
2. Who said I Love You first: He did
3. How often do you fight: Hardly at all
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: You guys like to face each other and hold hands
5. Who is the better cook: He is
6. Your song: 'Do wah Diddy Diddy' by Manfred Man. You and Vern love to sing it not ter what your doing.
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You both do
8. Favorite things to do together: Go to the candy shop. Hang out with your frjends, and Go swimming
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: You do
10. How you got engaged: Vern would put the ring in an empty pez dispenser. He was so releaved when the ring didn't get stuck.

1. Who made the first move: He did
2. Who said I Love You first: You did
3. How often do you fight: You guys fight often, but usually make up soon after
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: He's the big spoon
5. Who is the better cook: Surprisingly he is
6. Your song: 'Bad Moon Rising' by Creedence Clearwater Revival. You didn't really like it at first but watching Ace sing it made you love it
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You do, but he always makes up for his forgetfulness
8. Favorite things to do together: Go for drives, and hang out with your friends
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: You do but you let him think he does
10. How you got engaged: Ace would just do it. He'd do it in front of alot of people, proably when your with friends. He'd come in and walk over to you and say "hey me and you, let's get married" and to his surprise you'd say yes.

1. Who made the first move: You Did
2. Who said I Love You first: He Did
3. How often do you fight: Not to often, your pretty good at agreeing
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: You like to sleep with your head on his chest so you can hear his heart beat.
5. Who is the better cook: You Are
6. Your song: That'll be the Day by Buddy Holly and the Crickets
7. Who remembers your anniversary: Usually you do. But he makes up for forgetting.
8. Favorite things to do together: Hang with the guys. Watch the stars.
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: I'd say you do.
10. How you got engaged: Eyeball proposed to you at an ice skating rink. It was your anniversary so you decided to go to the funnest new spot. You were both falling all over yourself and laughing and all the sudden he got down on one knee. At first you thought he feel again, but then you saw the cute little ring and you burst into a puddle of tears.

1. Who made the first move: He did
2. Who said I Love You first: You did
3. How often do you fight: Alot, but you make up before the end of the day
4. Big spoon/ Little spoon: He's the big spoon
5. Who is the better cook: You are definitely better
6. Your song: Twist and Shout by the Beatles
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You do
8. Favorite things to do together: Hang with the guys. Go to the diner
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: He does
10. How you got engaged: He asked you to merry him on Valentines Day, the ring was in the flowers he gave you.

1. Who made the first move: You did
2. Who said I Love You first: He did
3. How often do you fight: Hardly ever
4. Big spoon/ Little spoon: You switch back and forth
5. Who is the better cook: You both can cook
6. Your song: Love me Tender by Elvis Presley
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You both do
8. Favorite things to do together: Cuddle, watch movies together, go to record shops
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: You're both equal
10. How you got engaged: He wrote you a song and played it for you.

1. Who made the first move: He did
2. Who said I Love You first: You did
3. How often do you fight: Pretty much never
4. Big spoon / Little spoon: He's thebig spoon
5. Who is the better cook: you're both pretty good cooks
6. Your song: 'At Last' by Etta James. It was the first song you slow danced to and you guys danced to it all the time after that
7. Who remembers your anniversary: You both do
8. Favorite things to do together: Hang out with Gordie, go to school sports games and cuddle
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship: I'd say your pretty equal
10. How you got engaged: It was your two year anniversary and all you wanted was a puppy. You'd been saving up for a while to get one from the pet shop. You were sitting in your room when the door opens and the cutest puppy ever runs into the room you bend down and pick it up, cuddling it and kissing it's cute little face. You put it out in front of you to get a good look and that's when you see it. It's collar says his name is Pumpkin and there is a pretty diamond ring hanging beside the tag. You look towards your door and see Denny standing there. He smiles and says "will you merry is Y/N?"

A/N: Hey guys!! Oh my goodness I love these so much, thanks alot for reading these. I hope to see some comments and requests soon.
- Leotie 💖

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