Part 4

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   Later that afternoon, Marcy sat beside me as I prepared to call Tyler.   I
had my phone on speaker so she could hear what he said.   My hands shook as I dialed his number
  "Hey Alexa, whats up babe?"
   "Tyler you know exactly whats up.   we need to talk."
   "What you mean baby?"
   "Just stop with the pet names already.  Tyler I cant take this anymore,  its over!"  Marcy gave me a thumbs up.
   "Wha... What?  But baby..."
   "Just stop!  I know you cheated on me and lied about going to a party with Mikey!"

He was silent for a long time.
    "Im sorry, it wont happen again.  I promise.   Alexa please...."
His words were cut short as I hung up the phone.  It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

    Marcy grinned at me and said, "did it feel as good as I told you it would?"
  "It was hard, but I do feel better now.     I think im done dating for awhile.  Hell I might not ever date someone again.  Every single time Ive been cheated on and lied to,"  I said staring down at the floor. 
   Marcy just stared at me with her hazel eyes, almost like gold.

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