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  • Dedicated to Everyone! Thank you for reading!

Disclaimer: All characters and plot are fictional. They bare no resemblance to any real people or problems. All similarities are purely coincidental, these characters and plot are purely made by the crazy imagination of timlessfate. Please don't steal my characters or plot if you want to make a fanfiction/oneshot/sequel please inbox, message, or comment and I will give you permission to write it. Thanks and I don't really know how to write these so that should be good! Hope you like my story! :)



Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. God dammit Avery get your shit together! You are Avery fucking Jennings! It's only a year of sharing the studio with The Rebels. It's not like you have to talk to them! Stupid Bruno, stupid producer, making us share. He knows we're seen as practically enemies!

Despite the fact you haven't actually met them before...

Shutupconscience. I've seen the interviews. They're just cocky, arrogant, bastards who think their band is better than ours.

But Zach Griffith's kinda hot...

Conscience I swear if you don't shut up right now I am going to make you shut up.

That would hurt you, dumbass.


"Avery Marie Jennings! Are you even listening to me?!"

I glanced up to see Liz glaring at me. Liz is stunning with her stereotypical American girl look, the straight blonde hair, clear blue eyes and tumblr girl figure. Well I guess I had a tumblr girl figure too I mean with all the work-outs to stay in shape it's kinda hard not to.

"Of course I was Liz! Why would you accuse me of such a horrid thing?" Sarcasm dripping off every word.

"Look Aves" she said plopping down on the couch beside me "I know you absolutely hate having to be in the same studio as The Rebels, I mean I hate it too! But we need this studio. It's a legend in the music industry you know that! Legends were made in that studio plus it's analog we've never gotten to record analog!"

"I know Liz I'm sorry it's just, you know that Zach has an ego bigger than the sun-"

She scoffed. "Hun in case you haven't noticed your ego is astronomically large."

"So is yours". I retorted our conversation came to a halt when two guys burst into the living room.

"Sup my fellow band mates" they said in sync. Liz and I exchanged a glance wondering why they weren't flipping shit over angrily cussing The Rebels and Bruno out.

Because dumbass y'all never told them about the studio deal with them!

Leave it to my conscience to remember something I would've really appreciated being reminded about earlier. Liz and I exchanged glances, she was nervous, we knew James and Xander absolutely despised The Rebels.

"What was that about and why do I feel like you guys forgot to do something important?" Xander asked hesitantly, wondering about the look Liz and I had just exchanged.

"Did you forget to get us studio time?!" James pipes up looking scared. Cue awkward laughter.

"Ahah. Hah... yeah about that..." Liz starts out. "There seems to be a teensy tiny problem. Like super super small, you probably won't even care... I mean it's not even-

"Okay well Liz obviously doesn't know how to rip a bandage off and go fast so Aves? Mind telling us straight out and not trying to soften the blow?" James asks.

Well might as well try. "We kind of have to share the studio with The Rebels because they reserved studio space too". Before their brains have throughly processed what I said Liz and I book it out of there with me screaming "Run, Forrest, run!" when Liz starts to slow down. We're about to floors down when we hear a muffled "WHAT?!?" and the crashing of things that are probably really expensive.

"Damn, they do realize that they have to pay for new stuff right?" Liz asks after a pregnant pause.

"They're probably too mad to even think about that..." I say shrugging trying to see if I can still hear the crashes.

"Oh shit! We forgot to tell them about the interview with Jake Goodwin tomorrow!" Jake Goodwin possibly the trickiest, slyest interview in Hollywood. This wouldn't be our first interview with him though, more like our third. Most stars would worry and prepare answers to all possible questions but I'm not. I have nothing to hide I mean he'll try and make us slip up but I mean what's the worst he could do?

"Eh we'll tell them tomorrow. I mean honestly the guys barely take anything seriously and answer questions how it is." I point out giving Liz a look.

Liz sighs. "I guess. Whatever, anyway since the guys are freaking out I guess we're sleeping in a hotel tonight?" Oh yeah hadn't thought of that.

"Guess so, let's go find one and try not to be mobbed by fans."

"The life of the famous."

Bonjour everyone! This is my second attempt to write a story so I hope you like this one so far! Please leave feedback on what you think and if any one could make me a cover or something that'd be super cool! So if you cool nuggets out there on the Internet like this story please





Thanks a ton guys! XOXO

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