Ch. 3: American Guys and Unknown Words

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Dedicated to TaintedRain I love Faking Delinquency so much! I ship WALICE so hard! If y'all aren't reading it check it out! It's amazing!


So remember I said there was some details added to Chapter 1? Well here they are! Let me just jog your memory first. remember the limo ride to the interview? This was added right after they all laugh about Liz's trip.

'but first freeze frame this. Let me introduce you.

First up we've got Liz. Now Liz joined the band a year after Xander, James, and I started the band. Of course we knew her already I mean we've all been best friends since kindergarten. At first she refused to join because she thought she wasn't good enough but look where she is now! That's a huge 'I told you so'! Liz is crazy, she's almost as sarcastic as me. I said almost don't forget, we'll get to me later.

Now lets talk about Xander. He's a player and absolutely loves dirty jokes. He's "dated", more like two day relationships or one-night stands, more girls than I can count. If we're being totally honest here he really is a great guy, he just hasn't met the right girl yet.

So James is probably the nicest one out of all of us. He's just one of those guys that genuinely care and is kind. He's not boring though, in fact he loves dirty jokes just as much as Xander. That's probably what clicked with them.

Then there's me. I'm just an extremely sarcastic girl who loves music and her friends. Which would be about five people. I may seem slightly egotistical but it kinda comes with the fame. We're all a little crazed by the success. Anyway I'm not one to usually write slowish kind of songs but occasionally I will.

There you have it that's Burning Red.'

I had to change the band name sorry guys! Apparantly the name was similar to another band's name? If you guys think of a better name or like the other one better feel free to message me or leave a comment!

Anyway on with Chapter 3!


Chapter 3: American Guys and Unknown Words

So guess what! After that horrifying interview we get home to see who standing in the band house's kitchen? Bruno! Yay! Note the sarcasm. None of us make any attempt to talk to him still a little peeved about the whole studio problem.

"Aw, come on guys, don't be like that!" Bruno pouts. "I haven't even told you everything yet." This causes James to whip around to face him instead of the fridge.

"There's more?!" he exclaims eyes wide, jaw hanging slightly.

"Yes, dear boy, yes there is!" Bruno exclaims. Cue the groans. "As well as sharing the studio you'll staying near them, which you should have been expecting considering the town is tiny, the plane ride there, and any publicity you might have so you'll be seeing a ton of the Rebels." Liz's eye twitches while her nose flares slightly trying to stay calm. Out of the corner of my eye I see Xander attempting to do the same while James stares at Bruno as if he's grown two extra heads.

"Oh! You also have to record a song together that will be on both your albums and be released as a single. Any money made from the song will be split 50/50 between the bands."

"Any more wonderful news, Bruno?" I ask ripping the top of a bottle of water obviously pissed.

"Yup! Just remembered one more thing!" he continues on oblivious to my sarcasm. "On the plane you'll be seated next to one of the Rebels instead of the original seatings. It'll be fun band bonding! Very useful in many situations."

"Do we get to know who we're seated with?" James asks wincing a bit not wanting to know.

"You'll see on the plane tomorrow." Bruno winks. "You'll be on my jet, all of you separated, bodyguards instructed to not let you switch seats. Have fun! See you with your demos in three monthes!" With that announcement he practically skips out the house leaving us shocked and pissed off at him even more.

"Well", Liz claps her hands together, "we've got a long day tomorrow so lets get some sleep." As we head to our rooms I can't help but wonder, how in the world are we going to survive this?

"Avery get up. Get up Avery. Get up! AVERY GET UP!"

Ahh, there's the alarm I wasn't looking forward to. Today's the day we head to the studio... with the Rebels. Joy, oh joy! When we reach the airport we board the plane together.

"Private jet here we come baby!" Xander fist pumps.

"Let's get it started in here" James joins in on Xander's fist pumping while singing Let's Get It Started by The Black Eyed Peas. I know, classy right?

"Stop being idiots guys, we've got to get on the jet and find our seats. Plus we ride private jets all the time." Liz says as she shoves the guys toward the terminal.

"But it's Bruno's!" The guys exclaim while being shoved onto the terminal.Then Liz turns to me.

"Good luck Aves, maybe it's not Zach." Liz says hesitantly with a doubtful look on her face.

"Maybe it's not going to be crazy at the studio. We both know those are lies." I give Liz a pointed look silently telling her I'll be fine.

"Alright" Liz sighs "let's go then." The guys have already gone in leaving Liz and I to show the flight attendant our tickets. We're early and the first ones on so we all sit in our seats with our bodyguards watching over us. I was just dozing off when a voice next to me makes me jump.

"So are we going to sit here in silence for the next couple hours or are we going to bond mon amour?"

"Shit! How long have you been there?" I say, my heart pounding, turning to face Zach.

"30 minutes or so. Did you really not realize there was someone next to you?"

"You snuck up on me like some sort of paparazzi." I say defensively.

"I take offense to that" he fakes a hurt look complete with hands over his heart, well where his heart would be... IF HE HAD ONE! Oh man that was a good one, whoo.

"Who said I didn't want you to?" I smirk.

"Well no need to be hurtful now mon amour." He smirks back. Okay this 'mon amour' thing is starting to get annoying. What does that even mean? What LANGUAGE is it even in?!

"Okay what does 'mon amour" or whatever even mean? English is cool, use it."

"Well where's the fun in telling you?" he winks. "Jeg tror, at jeg som dig."

"I won't talk to you if you don't tell me." I say hoping he'll give in if only to just annoy me more, but he stays silent. Just to prove my point I turn toward the window feeling his gaze on me. After a few moments he sighs.

"You're seriously giving me the silent treatment?"

No response.

"Come on Jennings. You'll have to talk to me soon or later."

I don't think so Griffith and you can't make me so hah! Wait, why am I referring to him as his last name? Whatever he's doing the same to me at least it's english!

"Fine if you won't talk to me prepare to be annoyed for the rest of this four hour flight."

Now i'm scared.

Way to go Aves, way to go.


It's short I know sorry guys! It says this is over 1,200 words so y'all might get tired. More to come hopefully soon. I've just got a ton of stuff since winter break's coming up but all winter break i'll be writing! If all goes to plan of course... which it pretty much never does.... Anyway until next time!






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