Ch. 1: That Little Shit Didn't But He Did

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Dedicated to FilledWithAnaphora for being super supportive with my story and being the author of one of my favorites on wattpad. Thank you so much!


Chapter 1: That Little Shit Didn't But He Did

"Avery get up. Get up Avery. Get up! AVERY GET UP!"

"Why did I have to set that as my alarm" I groaned rolling over peering at the time and unlocking my phone.

"Because you don't get up with any other alarm" Liz said with amusement and annoyance tinging her tone. "That's the fourth time it's rung and we've got an interview in 30 minutes and it takes 10 to get there. So, Hun, I'd get up 'cause you've got 20 minutes to get ready."

I look at Liz in disbelief as she applied makeup.

"You expect me to be ready in 20 minutes? For an interview? With one of the trickiest people in Hollywood? Are you out of your mind? It takes me an hour to get ready to go grocery shopping and not look like a hobo to the paparazzi!"

Chuckling she adds "well you've got 19 minutes now. Good luck." winking she flops onto the couch and flips on the tv. Well that's it I launch my half-asleep self out of bed grabbing some clothes on the way to the bathroom. Thump.

"Try not to run into any more walls Aves. Can't let that face get bruised now." Liz says not looking at me and smirking.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I mutter. Stumbling into the bathroom I catch a glance at myself in the mirror.

Someone's not a morning beauty.

Shut up brain. I know what you are but what am I?

Not a morning beauty. I thought we went over this already?

Choosing to ignore my brain's comeback I quickly get ready with a minute to spare.

"Finally!" Liz exclaims. "I texted the guys while you were in there, they said they're ready and standing outside the band house."

"Did they mention anything about the Rebels?"

"Nope, but I have feeling we'll hear about it sooner or later, probably on Bruno's jet."

"Fantastic, now let's go have fun trying not to be clawed by fans and paparazzi!"

"That's the spirit! Let's go!" If Liz catches onto my sarcasm she didn't let on. Or she's ignoring it. Yeah, she's probably ignoring it.

As we hop into the limo we decide to try to pass the time until we pick up the guys by trying to write a new song. After a couple minutes of throwing around ideas we both start to get a little annoyed that we can't figure out what to write.

"How about we write about guys being absolutely clueless about knowing when a girl likes them?" Liz says accidentally hinting at something.

"Hmmm, does Liz, who's dated more people than Xander, James and I combined, have a crush on someone?" I ask smirking. Liz flushes and stutters to come up with an answer.

"Wha- pff, n-no! Of course not! Don't be stupid Aves." Okay well now I'm suspicious. Before I can say anything we pull up in front of the band house. There's already a crowd of fans and paparazzi waiting with the guys. When they see the limo pull up everyone goes crazy while the guys struggle to make it to the limo. James makes it with help from a bodyguard but Xander was two feet away when a fan tackled him to the ground. A bodyguard picks him up and throws him into the limo shutting the door.

"So Xander, seems like you're falling for our fans, huh?" Liz comments with a sly grin.

"Not as much as you for Tyler Brinkley. Tell me did you have a nice trip across the stage?" Xander retorts.

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