This is Fun

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I pull my sword out of it's sheath. It feels so right in my hand. It is perfectly weighted, and the grip is formed to my hand. Everything about it, from its steel blade with the sharp gold painted edges to the black leather hilt, is memorized.

I swing out with the sword and chop a Yeglamour's head off. This is probably the weakest demon out there. It is just an oversized slug. Easy.

Now before Peta comes and surrounds me with protests, there is a reason. Demons are what cause hatred and sadness in the world. If a demon gets too close to a human for too long, the effects are countless. The least is a simple bad mood, and the worst is that the person snaps and possibly murders someone. Yeah, I wouldn't want those near me either. That's why I kill them.

I bet you are thinking, "Well if there are demons, why can't I see them?" Well they're invisible to most people. I however, have the sight. I can see demons. Once the people realized that I could see demons, I was taken into training.

Who are the people? Well they are my teachers. Imagine a school where all you learn about is demons. How to identify, kill, tame, blah, blah, blah demons. Fun.

Still did not answer your question? Well that is all I can answer. I barely know anything about them myself. Apparently it is to keep it secret from the demon lord or something. Oh well.

I put my sword back into its sheath and turn around. There I see Gerard standing. He is my partner. By partner I mean for demon killing. And romantically too. Nothing like getting close to your boyfriend while slicing up some demons!

Frank (that is me by the way) and Gerard, Demon Extermination Unit 24601. Each unit contains two people. You might be thinking "There's so many units!" Well not really. There's only about 200 units active. The academy just likes to keep tradition and not replace people in units. Everytime there are two new people, there is a new unit.

"Nice one." Gerard said calmly. I rolled my eyes because I know he knows how easy it is to kill a Yeglamour. Kinda weird to think of how calm he is after watching me kill something, even if it is a bad thing.

Something else you should know. The academy is a really good match maker or killing demons makes people want to do the wink wonk. I am almost certain that over half of the units are dating. It is pretty cool actually.

I walk up to Gerard and slide my hand in his. It feels natural. Almost like holding my sword. Wow that moment when you compare holding your boyfriend's hand and your sword. Completely sane here.

While we are still on the topic of Gerard, he looks amazing in his gear.
Black skinny jeans, tight black tank top, black protective jacket, and black boots. A lot of black, isn't it? Who cares though because he looks very attractive. Well he always does, but you get what I mean.

To contrast from all the black, he has bright red hair. It is always unkempt. But it is him. If he were to come in with neatly brushed hair, I doubt anyone would recognize him.

We begin walking back to base. Why are we not talking? Because we want to make sure we find all the demons on our strip. Hard enough to concentrate with him next to me. Even harder to not randomly wander off into thought land and thinking of, you guessed it, Gerard.

Finally we reach the entrance to base and run inside. Time to get out of gear and then go socialize! The good socialize with friends yay!

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