I Just Love Major Demons

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Gerard and I quickly get to our room and change out of our gear. As a unit we do share a room. It's pretty great. Originally it was two twin sized beds, but we pushed them together.

After we are both changed we head downstairs to the lounge. Quickly we find our close friends Lila and Cole. I greet Cole with, "You're wearing that shirt again?"

"Leave me alone! It's my favorite shirt!"

I laugh and shake my head. I wave at Lila. She has dyed her hair blue and green. It looks really awesome.

"So how did your patrol go?" Lila asks.

Gerard replies, "Pretty well. Sadly, there weren't any major demons. Just a bunch of weaks."

Lila and Cole say at the same time, "That sucks." I know you are probably thinking that we would want weak ones. Nope. There's a mix of wanting to show off all your skill that you've received from training and the major burst of adrenaline you get. Everything seems to slow down around you. It's great.

The conversation continues on for a few minutes. Everything is casual. Then a loud alarm starts going off. Great, just great. We have to go to an emergency assembly.

Without talking, all four of us head quickly to the auditorium. Once we reach it, we head as far forward as possible. I look around. The room is very large, but there is so many of us that the room will be packed. I quickly glance at the surrounding people's faces. Some seem worried, others seemed bored.

Once everyone is in the room, the large metal doors close automatically. The lights on the stage become brighter. The president of the academy, Evan, walks out onto the stage followed by the vice presidents, Patrick and Cameron. They stand with perfect posture, and look very confident.

Evan walks to the edge of the stage and looks around at all of this. They look worried. This is the first time I have seen them like this. I did not even realize anything could bother them. They start to speak. "There are some horrible things happening right now." This is bad. Their voice even cracked.

They take a deep breath. "Our Lady of Sorrows has risen." Everyone gasped. I look over at Gerard and he looks horrified. I barely know what this demon is... I have heard a few stories about her being the leader of the demons. Something about being the strongest.

"The last time anyone has seen LOS was at least eight years ago. Also the death rate doubled and the crime rate went up by six times during that time. Before than was sixteen years ago, and the rates were even worse. Anyone who has fought her has failed. We have no idea what causes her to come here or disappear. All we know is she normally stays around a year and is gone again." Shit. No one has successfully killed her, and we're some pretty damn good hunters. God, this lady must be strong.

Patrick steps forward, while still standing a little behind Evan, and begins to speak. "No need to worry. We have picked a unit to go on a quest to beat LOS." Probably going to be one of the older units... Lowkey sad about that because I want to go on a real quest. "The unit is 24601." Wait, what?? We were actually picked! I turn and smile at Gerard. My smile fades as I see how worried he looks.

I whisper, "Gee, don't worry. We'll go kick her ass." He offers back a weak smile, but doesn't say anything.

"Unit 24601, get your asses up here." Evan commands. Gerard and I head up to the stage and stand awkwardly at the edge. "Don't be nervous, get up here." We move and stand next to Evan. I can tell Gerard is getting more confident with everyone looking at him. He always becomes a lot more confident when a lot people are looking at him. Kinda strange.

Cameron states, "This unit has the highest rating. They are most likely to severely damage LOS at the least." Woah, I never would have thought we had the highest rank.


Evan swiftly pulls out a brick and hits Jason square in the face. "Yet, you can't see that coming." Everyone's mouth hangs open. No one can believe that Evan just knocked Jason out. Where did the brick even come from??

Evan clears their throat. "Well that's all. Make sure to keep your guard up because their might be some stronger demons out." They turn to us, "And you two come to my office so we can go over mission details."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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