Oui, un million de fois oui!

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Chapter Nine

Scorpius suddenly let my hands down and stood up.

"What don't you care about me knowing, Scorpius?" Asked the familiar man that looked frighteningly like Scorpius... Only older.

"Nothing, dad." Scorpius sighed while he ran his hands through his hair.

'Dad?' I thought.

Scorp's dad, Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, the father of the boy I love.

'Yeah, stay quiet.' Scorp strained in my head.

I could help but roll my eyes at the boy.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Scorpius asked.

"Well, your mother and I got a call from here, saying you appeared in the hospital wing with a deathly-sick Professor Slughorn and Miss Potter. Surprisingly enough, Professor Wyingburg, the Defense teacher has just quit out of the blue." The older Malfoy explained before he caught my eye.

"Well.. Scorpius, perhaps you should introduce me to your.... Friend?" The man asked.

"Oh, right... This is L-Lily, Lily Potter." Scorpius stuttered slightly and presented me with his hands.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy." I smiled calmly.

"The pleasure's all mine. It's nice to meet you, Miss Potter." Mr. Malfoy smirked then looked at his watch suddenly.

"I must be going now... You two may continue your previous conversation." Draco Malfoy said with a smirk.

"And you'll be seeing a lot more of me during the school year." Mr. Malfoy smirked.

Mr. Malfoy walked away I the direction of the Headmistress's office.

"Merlin, I thought he would never leave." Scorpius exhaled.

"What do you think he means when he said we'll see him more?"I asked nervously.

"I don't know.. But who cares?" he asked.

I laughed quietly and kissed him softly.

"Your dad didn't seem to care." I said quietly.

"You're right... He didn't.. Anyway.. Back to what I was saying before.." Scorpius said with a smile.

"Lily, I love you, will you be my girlfriend?" Scorp asked.

I stared wid eyed at him.

"It's okay of you don't-"

"I would absolutely-"

"Lily?" A male asked.

"Oh for flip's sake! What do you-" I growled while turning to face the person interrupting Scorpius and I.

And I saw

"Oh, hi daddy!" I grinned sheepishly, my cheeks turning the colour of my hair.

Because, standing in front of me was my dad, Harry Potter.

"Hi, Lilypad..." he faked a smile and eyed my tie and Scorpius.

'Lilypad?' Scorpius laughed in my head.

"You must be Scorpius Malfoy." dad said grudgingly looking at Scorp.

Then Scorpius looked up nervously at my dad in response.

'Who's laughing now, Malfoy?'' I thought, knowing he could hear me.

Scorpius then straightened up, cleared his throat and said, "Yes sir, you must be Harry Potter. I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Potter." Scorpius grinned proudly.

"And thanks Mr. Potter for saving my dad, even when he was a git to you while growing up." Scorpius added then held his hand out for my dad to shake.

Dad looked down at Scorp's hand for a while...

Then saw him stare right into Scorpius's eyes.. Like he was staring right at his sole.

And then finally Dad spoke...

"You seem like a nice boy, Scorpius. I hope I've made a correct judgement about you." dad said, shortly after shaking Scorp's hand and stole a glance in my direction.

"Watch out Malfoy, I'll be keeping an eye on you." dad answered strictly.

"Potter! McGonagall wants us in her office!" Mr. Malfoy called out from another hallway.

"And why should I listen to you, Malfoy?" dad snapped.

"Because do you honestly believe I would lie to you about something this serious?" Mr. Malfoy asked mockingly.

"Yes, yes I do." Dad answered smugly.

"Dad be nice." I hissed quietly.

"Yeah Harry, listen to your daughter." Malfoy taunted.

"Dad." Scorpius tried.

"Stay out of this Scorpius." Mr. Malfoy snapped.

"Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Potter, come now!" McGonagall screeched.

Dad and Draco Malfoy shared a glare and walked off in the same direction, keeping there space.

"Goodbye Lilypad!"

"Goodbye Scorp!"

Both of our fathers called back at the same time.

"Tell James and Albus I'm here!" Dad added.

"Alright! Have fun!" I winked and dad grimaced.

"God I zought zey would never leave." I sighed.

"You're French accent is coming through." Scorpius chuckled.

"Je n'aime pas vraiment mon accent français, mais elle tend à sortir à temps ..." I sigh.

*I don't really like my French accent, but it tends to come out at times...*

"Avez-vous même réaliser que vous parlez français?" Scorpius laughed.

*Do you even realize you're speaking French?*

"Oh, non ... Je ne suis pas, en fait .... Attendez une seconde! vous pouvez parler français?!" I asked shocked.

*Oh, no... I don't, actually.... wait a second! you can speak French?!*

"Je suis né là-bas et ensuite soulevé il ya trois ans." he replied smoothly.

*I was born there and then raised there for three years.*

"Oui oui ... qui fait beaucoup plus de sens aujourd'hui." I smiled.

*Yes yes... that makes much more sense now.*

"Retour à notre conversation plus tôt ... Lily Potter, va-tu être mon amie?" Scorpius asked eagerly.

*Back to our earlier conversation... Lily Potter, will you be my girlfriend?*

"Oui, un million de fois oui!" I answered excitedly.

*Yes, a million times yes!*

I happily threw my arms around his neck and gave him the most passionate kiss I had ever given anyone.

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