Chapter one

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Alessandro's POV
"Alessandro..wake up you are going to be late" said my girlfriend Kyra with a soft voice while planting a soft kiss on my cheek.
I was super tired since I had a lot to drink last night at my best friend's party.i opened my eyes but my vision was somehow blurry,when I finally got my sight on point I saw Kyra heading towards the door."where you going?" I asked with a raspy voice.
" should really get up we are running late"she said while opening the door and shutting it as she leaves the room. And that's when it hit me that today was an important day for the company because I had an interview with the deputy chief of the states and I was going to have few people interviewed for the assistant executive of the CEO in my company.
I got up from my bed and headed straight to the bathroom.i took about half an hour to get out of the shower and put on one of my best classy suits and put on the perfect tie that I thought would match the suit which it did, wore one of my fancy watches and styled my hair then put on my shoes and headed downstairs.
"There's my handsome prince"said my mother with a huge smile on her face and opening her arms widely welcoming me for a hug. She was always proud of my brother Andrea and i, she loved us so much sometimes we found it annoying but we loved her more than anything because we were the only thing that kept her going after our fathers death.
"Good morning my queen... Big day today!" Said while heading towards her. I gave her a hug and went for a cup of coffee and there came my brother Andrea fully dressed in one of his most expensive suits with a smile on his face when he hardly hit my back and said "looking good big brother. I'll be waiting outside" he said giving mom a kiss and left.
I stopped with the coffee when I realized I was getting late and the meeting was to start in about an hour so I kissed goodbye my mom and went straight outside being escorted by two of my guards straight of to the car where I was seated next to Kyra.
"Why didn't you wait for me?"I asked with my eyebrows raised.
"You take way too long to get ready" she answered looking outside the car window.
I noticed that she wasn't okay but I didn't bother asking so I let it pass and drove silent all the way to the state house.
Once we got out from the car cameras and lights were all over the three of us. We were escorted by guards all the way to a huge room with paparazzi at the back. Once we got inside we found  all the respected representatives seated and they all stood up once we made our way in.
This was an important meeting for us because this company was not just a company but a family company that has been successful for years now and since I was left in charge now it's my job to make sure I do things the way my father did. The meeting started and everything went quite well, my brother and I signed the contracts and we were all happy to work with the states knowing now we had full government support together with three other known companies around the world.
I was in the car this time on my own. Andrea and Kyra left for the after party but I had to go at the office and get done with the interviews. I was really exhausted and I just wanted to go back home and lay down on my bed but this was really important since I didn't have an assistant and it would have slowed me down because too much work was in lately. Andrea really wasn't much of a hard worker, well maybe not when it came to office matters but his music meant the world to him he is even signed by the worlds known record label and I'm proud to say I helped him out and I'm proud of my brother.
I went inside my office and started the interview with the four clients I was supposed to interview I didn't actually interview them all together but had them come in one after another.
It was now the last person that I was going to interview and I was really glad since I knew I'd go home after that. The door was opened but at that point I didn't see who it was since I was starring outside my huge glass window with hands inside my pockets.
"Good afternoon Mr.Giovanni" said the lady in a really soft and a sweet voice I had to turn around now to see who she might be.
"Good afternoon Miss... Um...ahh.." I was amazed by what I saw in her I couldn't even remember her name and I just read her file seconds before she came in.
"Taylor Bradley sir" she interrupted saying it with a smile.
She was so beautiful and sexy she had really long brown hair with curls in the ends, her eyes were as blue as the ocean which i noticed they change from blue to green if exposed to light, she had this amazing curves never seen in any girl no offense but not even my Kyra, the way she talked brought waves into my system it was now really getting hot in my office for a minute I thought my air conditioner wasn't  working when I just had a new one placed. She did this thing with her lips that made me choke on my breathing strategies. Her body was that type of dream body that any girl would kill for. She really got to me never in years has any girl got my attention like she did. Kyra did get my attention yes but we were family friends we knew each other since we were five years old.
I went on with the questioning I must admit apart from her killer looks and all that this lady is smart and intelligent I didn't even have to think twice about hiring her I knew that she was the one I need as my assistant executive of the CEO.
"Thank you Miss Taylor you'll be notified once you get the position"I said while standing up just to find out my knees are weak, why? Her. She smiled while shaking hands then headed towards the door and left. I took my phone went outside I told my secretary that she should let Taylor Bradley know that she got the job. I left the office went to the car and went back home.
Taylor's POV
"Alexis Alexis....... Alexis Alexisssssss " I called out her name so loud banging the door as I made my way into the kitchen looking if she was in there.
"Shhh keep it down will you Henry is sleeping.... Why are you so smiley right now? And don't lie I know that look, boo you have a boyfriend who loves you and would buy the world if he had to" she said to me making me smile even brighter.
"Sit please I need to tell you this now" she looked at me then smiled and took a sit.
"How did it go"she asked
"Well it was well, I was nervous but hopefully I will get the job" I said happily.
"You'll nail it trust me" she said holding my hand then letting go and standing up from her seat .
"I don't really think if I'll get that job,I mean all that time he was questioning me I was distracted by his looks it's like God was tempting me...and he seems serious, he doesn't laugh or anything like that and he has this killer eyes and this body that Reuben goes to the gym for .... Agh! I messed up Alexis trust me" I said while covering my face in shame.
"No you'll get it trust me.. But you keep yourself away from this guy he is going to be your boss and please that guy is way too rich for you." She laughed so hard and winked and headed to her room.
I was really distracted by this guy everything about him is so perfect I found it hard to get rid of him from my head and the last thing I wanted was to hurt Reuben my favorite guy in the world but I swear the man I just sat with and talked to this afternoon is fire and I wanna get burnt with it.
"Hey panda bear" said my boyfriend Reuben, I didn't even notice when he came in I was so caught up in my imaginary moment with my future boss. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck passionately,tilting my head to the other side giving him more access. "How was the interview?" he asked.
"Well I guess"I replied feeling the guilt in my voice but anything works with a smile right? Yes.
"Got any plans for tomorrow? I wanna take you out."he said unwrapping his arms and making his way towards the fridge."
"Well not really, so I guess we've got a date." I said to him then blew a kiss towards him and then grabbed my purse and stood up"oh and please order pizza I'm craving for some so bad" I said making the word craving very seductive.
"You  know how to make me want you, don't you?"he said with his sexy voice that I barely find it sexy now after listening to Alessandro's  voice for one and half an hour of ear purification. Damn it!
"Just order the pizza" i said then left.
Alessandro's POV
I had the nap of my life now I really needed to finish my paperwork so I got up from my bed and went into my home office which used to be my fathers before.
The house was really quiet seems like mom was asleep and Andrea wasn't home yet. I went downstairs and found Lucy our maid whom we all love so much talking to her phone. I waved at her with a smile then walked towards the fridge and grabbed a Coke.
I went straight in the office and sat taking heavy sips of the Coke.
"Someone's thirsty" said Kyra wearing a sexy short dress that I pictured it on Taylor's body.
"What was with you in the morning?"I asked looking at her seductively.
"Nothing just mood swings.. Soooo" she said biting her lip.
I stoop up from my  working table and walked towards her,I grabbed her arm gently and pulled her in the office and then I shut and locked the door. I pulled her so close to me then whispered in her ear "where did you get this sexy dress" I told her while unzipping her dress slowly that it sent her shock waves. I pulled the dress down gently when she grabbed my sweatshirt and took it of my body. I grabbed her by her neck and kissed her so passionately then I started imagining doing this with Taylor. She placed her hands inside my trouser and gently brushing her palms against my crotch it felt so good I pushed her on the table then my phone rang.
"Please don't stop"she said brushing even harder making it hard for me but i really had to get my phone.
"We can't have sex right now"that phone call reminded me that I have to get down with my work so I grabbed her hands gently and took them out of my pants and kissed her lips " promise to make it up to you" I told her our foreheads leaning on each other. She kissed me put on her dress and I opened the door for her. I went back and proceeded with my work I was really hard, it was difficult  for me to keep my head in one place. I just wanted to fuck her so bad but some part of me wanted it to be Taylor.
"Hey brother... Still working?"said Andrea walking into the room looking at the mess we made.
"Yeah I'm kinda busy right now please" I told him with a serious face and stood up leading him out.
"Yeah I can see that your body, the office mess says it all" he laughed so hard and loudly I had to push him out and shut the door.
I looked at my pants and I really needed to change I went upstairs got my pants talked to Lucy for a while and went back at the office for my paperwork.

Authors note: hey guys this is my first story here on watt pad please tell me what you think about it and I'd love it if all of you are going to be honest. Sorry for some grammar errors that you may find I just hope you'll love the story. The picture displays the characters used or as we like to call it the cast. They are just to give you an idea on how the characters look like.

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