Chapter two

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Taylor's POV
It was heavily raining and all I wanted was to lay in bed and do nothing at all. I checked my phone over and over again for emails just to be sure if I got the job. I got up from my bed and headed in the kitchen for breakfast.
"Hey lazy ass.." Said Alexis with a smile on her face while making us pancakes.
"I won't be going out with Reuben today,I just want to stay at home and do something else I mean with all the rain" I said getting my self a glass of fresh juice.
"Owww, hello to you too Alexis. I'm glad you are fine since you went to bed early last night. How is Henry I miss that little guy." She said sarcastically rolling her eyes after she was done talking.
Lately I've been so selfish to my best friend. I didn't ask about how she's been, like it has only been about me since last week and I was too dumb to notice that. Alexis has been my best friend for seven years now and she means the world to me. Henry is her son to whom she got pregnant after being raped. She never thought of aborting but instead chose to keep it which led to her parents sending her away from home thinking that it was her fault. She got a job to support herself for some time, she got her self an apartment which we now share together and I've been trying so hard to get a job so I could help her out. This job will really save us if I get it.
"I'm so sorry for being selfish, I've been so caught up with my job application issues and now I'm even forgetting about all my loved ones" I walked up to her and wrapped my hands around her neck felt like I was choking her. She pushed me and we both started laughing.
"I know but you've got to stop with all the stressing... I'm sure that you'll get this one."she said reassuring me that I'll get it. She places the pancakes on the plates and walks over with both plates.
"Why don't you want to go out with Reuben?" Curiously asking me with her eyebrows raised.
"It's raining and I'm just not feeling it.... We can have pizza here if he wants" I said filling my mouth with pancakes. I'm a monster when it comes to eating.
"Really of all the lame reasons you could give, you chose that!" She said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Um....ah...yeaaaahhh." I said getting up from my seat. "I'll pick Henry up and maybe go for some ice cream with him and yes I miss him so much." I added. Henry was in a day care for young kids under the age of five where he used to go on weekends because Alexis had extra shifts and I had some stuffs to get to so it was a little bit difficult to keep up with Henry with all that stuff in our way so we decided to send him there over the weekends where he just goes and plays and has someone to watch him.
"Yeah sure and please not to much I don't want him to get all hyped. It's hard to put him to sleep with a lot of sugar in his system." She said with that motherly tone that I always find it weird when she uses it and so I always end up laughing.
"Promise to help you put him to sleep" I said winking at her playfully and went for a shower.
Alessandro's POV
"Good morning loved ones" I greeted warmly while taking a sit. "Heavy rain huh.."
"You two never told me how the meeting went" said mother looking at Andrea and I.
"I thought Alessandro told you everything since he came back earlier than me"replied Andrea quickly getting up from his chair and leaving the two of us at the table.
Well I never got a chance to tell her how it went since when I got back home she wasn't there and I had to rest and she went to bed early yesterday so I couldn't. I told her everything about the meeting and she was really happy to hear all that. I went and took a shower and put on a white light shirt and jogger pants and went for my phone. I checked into the office to see if they already informed Taylor about getting the job.
And then Kyra sent me a text.
Kyra: hope you are not busy tonight.
Alessandro: wont be... Miss me?
Kyra: so bad it hurts .
Alessandro: see you tonight then..?
Kyra: my place
It was raining so hard and i just wanted to do something else other than working. I went downstairs straight to Andrea's music studio. I found him there composing a new song I started teasing him and we sort of had this awesome brotherly bond that we've not quite shared for a while since I started running this company. I even tried to sing and he kept on saying my voice sucks.
"Your voice sucks man" he said taking his headphones out.
"Yet ladies trip over it" I said with a smirk. He taught me few things and we sang so hard my throat was in so much pain I guess I was shouting not singing.
"So did you get an assistant?" He asked
"Yeah you'll get to meet her on Monday .. Pretty sure you'll love her." This got me thinking about her again and I couldn't wait to see her on Monday.
"Who knows maybe she might be my girlfriend" he said proudly looking at me the looking back at his pc. Andrea is a really nice guy he has always been careful with everyone's feelings and he really knows how to put others ahead of him. He has never really dated anyone after his last heartbreak. He was cheated on and he couldn't bear it so he just decided to lay it off and have his life as a single guy. But truthfully the thought of him being with Taylor killed me and shuttered my heart into pieces. I was falling for this one and I was damn serious about it.
"Yeah right!" I snapped and left without looking back at him then heard him shut the door.
After awhile the rain stopped and i decided to see my best friend Diego. He is like my other brother, I'm really used to him and most of the times we hang out. Last time I saw him it was at his birthday party.
"Look who's here.." Said Diego happily.
"Wanna go for a couple of shots?" I asked making myself comfortable on his couch.
"Nah... I'll pass " he said not being really sure.
"Whatever you say, I won't be here for so long tho I have to go to Kyra's place." I told him.
"What do you even see in her?if I were you I would have dumped her." He said looking at me. Diego has never really liked Kyra he always tells me she is a spoiled brat which for a reason I find it true.
"Let go man I like her." I said convincing myself that what I feel for Taylor it's all just in my head. Our evening was nice we had long conversations and played games. It was 7pm and I had to leave and head to Kyra's place.
Taylor's POV
I picked up Henry from the daycare but we couldn't get ice cream since it was kinda cold with all the rain. So instead we got down to a bakery store and had lots of cakes. I was so sure that he was hyped and Alexis was going to kill me. We left the place and went back home. He took a shower and I gave him warm chocolate milk to keep him warm while I took my mac book and checked for new emails.
Luckily there were seven new emails I opened them up and one was from the company informing me that I got the job. I was so happy I called Alexis immediately and we started shouting through the phones she was happy for me. A million thoughts rushed through my mind when I thought about working next to my boss Mr.Alessandro. I was kinda nervous since I was to start on Monday and I just had a day to prepare myself. I called Reuben after telling him the good news and he was proud of me.
"Mummy !" Shouted Henry running for a hug. Alexis was back at home and I ran to her super fast and we hugged and made lots of noise. The job was a big deal for us it was in a known company and I was sure as hell paid a lot.
We started preparing for dinner and we were only waiting for Reuben to come. It didn't take long when he showed up we had dinner. It was a nice dinner we were all happy we ate and talked way too much. Reuben just couldn't stop making us laugh. Henry was becoming stubborn and Alexis shot me killer eyes all the time and cursed me through whispers. I was whispering sorry back with a silly face and we couldn't stop giggling.
After sometime Henry was sure as hell tired so Alexis took him to sleep.
I walked towards Reuben who was sitting on the couch , and sat right on top of him and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him so desperately. He kissed me passionately touching me all the way back while his lips still on mine moving in sync. He laid me on the couch and kept on kissing me cupping my breasts and slowly massaging them making me moan forgetting that we are not alone in the room. He drags his hand down in my panties and keeps on kissing me.
"Mmh... Mmh" coughed Alexis. That's when we both jumped with my trousers opened and Reuben's hair messed up. We both looked at each other and laughed. Reuben hugged Alexis goodbye and came up to me grabbing my ass tightly and kissing me way too long and that's when he left.
"Were you gonna screw him? Wasn't that his coming birthday present" she asked looking at me confused. I'm a virgin I never had sex with Reuben or any other guy. The reason I love him it's because he is way to patient with me and that's what I loved about him, he never pushes people if they aren't ready for something and so I made a promise to myself and told Alexis about it that I will have sex with him on his coming birthday. He deserves to be my first after all we've been through.
"No I wasn't.... We just got carried away and I led him on." I'll go get some sleep goodnight.
"Go shower first please" she pushed me playfully and said goodnight and went to bed I was there smiling and dirty thoughts about my boss and I came into mind that's when I decided to go shower and go to bed.
Alessandro's POV
I got at Kyra's apartment just in time. We ate and she stripped all the way for me. That's how bad she always wanted me and I could see it on her face I could make this girl cum just by looking at her eyes and all the way down.
She came and took my hand and led me into her room. She pushed me down on her bed and came onto me like a lion. She sure as hell knew how to get naughty just to get what she wanted.
"Easy there tiger" I whispered.
"You promised" she said while kissing me lightly on my lips
"Yeah but I swear I'm tired " truth is I just didn't want to fuck her knowing I was thinking of someone else. She got up furiously and left me on her bed. I went after her and grabbed her hand I knew she was pissed but I couldn't tell her the real reason, she would kill me.
"Hey look I'm going to sleep here with you instead" I said
" yeah damn right how I'm I supposed to handle sleeping next to my boyfriend when I'm horny" she looked at me tried really hard to keep her serious face on but it was an epic fail she bursted into a huge laugh and so did I.
"I promise that tomorrow it's going to be a long night for you babe" I told her and instead we just talked and watched a series together.
I spent the whole night at her place I just didn't want to hurt her knowing that I have a thing for someone else so instead I just tried to keep the moment we were having magical. I must admit she was really stubborn, she couldn't stop placing her hands on my crotch and grind on me with some really sexy voices, she was even whispering some crazy stuffs in my ears.
"I want you to fuck me so hard"she whispered.
"Your wish is my command... Just not today my wand ain't working boo!" I whispered back. We laughed so much. And that's how the rest of the night was. It was actually fun.

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