1 Girlfriend For Hire

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Chapter 1

Dim lights. Loud blasting music. People jumping in the air on the dance floor. The faint smell of alcoholic drinks.

Ah, this is the place where I belong and love.

There are people who would glance at my way and some would even dare to stare, others would greet me if they'd have the chance.

I can't help but feel confident. The sneaky glances guys give and to the envious stares from the girls in the party. It really gives me a confidence boost. I love the attention people are giving me tonight.

Everyone's getting really hyped by the music, I can't help but to also sway to the beat.

"Hey," A random guy walked straight up to me with a smile. "My name's Roger and you're really my type. I was wondering if we could–"

"Sorry," I cut in. "I'm not interested." I forced a smile to his way.

Roger, whoever he is, was the 5th person who tried to ask me out tonight. His big smile turned quickly into a frown, with a dejected look he started to walk away from me.

I let out a breath of relief. This day is getting tiring. There were people murmuring about what just happened between me and that guy who tried to ask me out.

"Did she just reject him?"

"Yeah. That's Lindsey Bartolome for you. She isn't one of the New York It Girls for nothing."

"An It Girl? She must be really bitchy then."

I mustered myself not to roll my eyes at the person who said the last sentence. I must maintain my reputation and status. Keep a good image to the public.

I'm not bitchy. I'm not just an It Girl. I'm Lindsey Bartolome, a person with class and the daughter of a multi-millionaire.

"Lindsey, darling!" Ashley Myers, the host of this party, approached me with a dazzling smile. "How do you like the party?"

"I love it." I replied.

"That's good to hear." She took a sip from the sparkling vodka. "You know, as an It Girl, you should really try and host parties sometimes."

A cold sweat prickled my neck. "Ah," I say, trying to mask my nervousness from her statement. "I'll do try and host if I got the time."

Ashley simply laughed. "A few thousands wouldn't hurt to spend. After all, you are the daughter of a multi-millionaire." She tapped on my shoulder, "Send my regards to your lovely father, alright darling?"

I simply forced a smile and nodded at her.

Right, I forgot. No one knows that my father passed away. I forgot that no one even knows my real and current status.

I felt my phone buzzing from my pouch and saw a text notification from my mother.

Where are you? I just came home and no one's here.
Are you out partying again?

Guilt consumed me for a split second. Even at this party, it made me realize of my current situation. I'm a complete nobody without my riches.

It's a deadly secret that no one should ever know about me.


"Did you have fun?" My mom asked as soon as I opened the door to my house.

I can't even look at her. The way she's looking at me is like killing my soul.

"I was just out...with friends?" I hesitated.

"Partying again?" My mom let out a scoff, "You know, instead of partying, why don't you try and look for a job!" She ranted, her voice high. "Wake up, Lindsey! We're not rich anymore. Our lives will turn into complete dust if we're not striving to survive!"

I pursed my lips. I'm used to this. I'm used to hearing every rant and frustrations that my mom says to me every night.

Call me irresponsible and whatever, but at times like these, I just don't know what to do. I'm a total spoiled and spoon-fed brat since the beginning of my life.

I'm just a burden. That's all I'm being good at.

"You aren't going to say anything?" My mom questioned.

"Ma," I croaked out, my voice quivering. "I just want to live my life like before..." I rarely speak up to my mom, and I rarely share to her any of my emotions. This was a first.

"Live like what?" It was clear as a day that she was angry. "Lindsey! It's been 6 months without your father and we've had huge losses. I'm just grateful that the apartment is all there is left to us despite everything."

Tears were swelling up in my eyes. If only dad haven't left us. If only he were here right now, we could've still lived happily.

"I just want to live life like before! How hard is it for you to understand?!" Unintentionally, I raised my voice at my own mother.

My mom slapped me. "Grow up, Lindsey. Start being responsible, for once."

I couldn't control my tears. I wasn't crying because of the throbbing sting on my left cheek. I guess I was crying because I failed as a daughter. I failed to realize the harsh reality and continued to act selfish. I didn't even noticed the heavy bags underneath the eyes of my own mother. I didn't even see that her back was hunched from overworking to sustain our needs for the past 6 months.

I truly am just a burden.

I wiped off the tears from my eyes and quickly went out of the apartment. I could hear my mom's voice at the back but I didn't bother to look back.

I just want a breathe of air and some alone time. I just want to think this over. Am I really doing the right thing?

As soon as the cold air hit my face, I didn't hesitate to let go of my tears that were waiting to fall down.

Lindsey Bartolome, the girl who everyone thought that she had it easy in her life, was not the girl who you could think of.

After the loss of my father, everything started to crumble. The empire that my father created was built on debts, because of this neither of our companies could be recovered even if it was under his name. Up to this day, we are still continuing to pay back the debts that he left us to pay.

No one knows about the downfall of Mr. Bartolome, a very well-known business tycoon, and it should remain that way.

If no one is able to know the real reality that I am facing, then maybe, I could somehow still live my life as I used to before.

The loud honk of a car pulled me out from my train of thoughts.

As I scanned the surroundings around me, I realized that I just walked in the middle of the street with no care.

Why didn't the car just ran me over?

"Lindsey Bartolome?" The driver of the car stepped out and looked at me with amusement.

My eyes widened as soon as I realize that the person in front of me was the person who I despised the most.

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