OUAT stuff

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Sooooo... First book. That's exciting.

Today I'm gonna do some stuff regarding the only show I watch anymore, Once Upon A Time. Cuz, y'know...

Hope you enjoy ;)

Also, if you haven't seen all of season 5, don't read this because spoilers.

Zelena: you never loved me!
Hades: no, I-
Zelena: or her!
Hades: well,
Taylor Swift: or anyone! Or anything! YeeeaAHH
Hades: ...
Random theory
Actually, this isn't a theory as much as me coming up with ways to bring Robin back (😭)
I am not basing this on ANY fact whatsoever, but here goes.

Ok, so remember that serum in the last episode? You know the one I'm talking about, the one that separated the Evil Queen from Regina?
Well, what if you could use it on somebody dead- but they died during a time when they were completely good (for example, sacrificing yourself to save the woman you love ahem Robin)
Then if you used the serum on his dead body, the evil side of him would come alive, since the evil part of Robin wasn't really there when he died, so it was just the nice bit of him that got hit with the Olympian crystal.
Make sense so far?
Basically, just summing it up, there would be a Robin Hood in guy liner walking around and possibly dating the Evil Queen since, you know, Regina would be 'too nice' for him.
This is next to impossible of course, but I'm just throwing it out there.
I ship Cruella and King Arthur
Cruelther? Arthella?
The Frozen crew needs to come back. Just sayin' 


Also, sorry this chapter/part/whatever is a bit short and all over the place, but I am currently planning out my next piece, including an update and theory about new characters in season 6

Thanks for reading!

don't forget to comment and share and all that junk!


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