One more character...

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That's seriously how I reacted when I heard another new character might interrupt the beautiful thing known as Captain Swan. Ok, sure, people are just guessing, but THAT. CANT. HAPPEN! Captain Swan forever!
So, here it is: there are three new characters presumably joining the Once Upon A Time cast for season 6. Right now I'm gonna talk about the third one, Morpheus. (I already covered Sinbad and Scheherazade in my last chapter)
Morpheus is the God of dreams, which makes sense since Ouat introduced us to characters from Greek mythology last season. From what I've seen online, Morpheus can take any form of any human being, although his true form is a demon. That means a new villain! And it has been confirmed that Morpheus will have an appearance in 6x1. However, it wasn't made clear if Morpheus would be his own self or in form of another in the first episode. Since Mr. Hyde made it into Storybrooke in 5x23, I would take a guess and say that he would be killed or whatever first, and Morpheus (whoever he took the form of) would reveal his true identity later on in the season.

Some characters I think he might be:

~The Evil Queen. Mainly because we SAW Regina rip out her heart and crush it. Then she showed up five minutes later, alive and evil. Unless we're given a good reason for this happening, I would say that it's Morpheus in disguise. (Why? I'm not exactly sure, but the best I can say is just to create chaos for everyone). The role for Morpheus was also described as 'An old soul in a young body,' which seems to fit with this theory. 

~The second character I think he may be impersonating is The Dragon. I know it doesn't make sense, but i just have a feeling...

~just himself. Morpheus would show up, pretending to be a friend (maybe even helping to defeat Hyde), and then later turns on them. This would also work, since Morpheus will reportedly be "equally good at reading people as he is at hiding his own agenda."

Oh, and about the thing I started with: Since the confirmation that Morpheus will be joining the cast of OUAT, people having been saying that Emma may leave Hook for him. I personally think this is stupid. Since Captain Swan was proven to be true love last season (finally!), there is no way Emma would turn on Hook that quickly. Still, that doesn't mean another character won't...

One more thing!

If I'm right about any of these these things, its that Morpheus will be a villain. And the only way to defeat a god is by using the Olympian crystal...

The same crystal that dissolved into nothingness in the last episode. (Oops.)

Hope you enjoyed!


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