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I'm baaack!

And a bit sooner then expected, too.

Ok, so back in June, it was confirmed that ABC is looking for actors to fill in two new roles: Sinbad and Scheherazade. So right now, I'll be talking a bit about the characters, would they could possibly bring to the show, and whether or not these are just fake names so we don't really know the new characters in season 6. (Because let's be honest, they've done that before and it totally worked.)

So without further ado, the new characters of OUAT!

Sinbad the Sailor. Long story short, he was a dude who went on seven voyages, killing monsters and making money. Good guy. Look it up on Wikipedia if you want the full story.

So, I don't really have any ideas for this one, except that maybe he'll be a possible love interest for Belle...? I just feel that since she wants to see the world, and Sinbad has had so many exciting travels, they might get along. Or maybe he falls for Belle and tries to win her heart. Sinbelle! And since we know that Rumple is currently in a new world trying to wake Belle from the sleeping curse, they would probably meet then.

The second character, Scheherazade, is a girl you might know from A thousand and one nights.

The story goes, there was a king who had trust issues. He chose to have a different wife each night, and then kill them the next morning so they wouldn't be able to cheat on him. Scheherazade chose to be one of these woman. During her night with the king, she told him a story. However, she wasn't able to finish her story by the time morning came. The king was enthralled, and let her stay one more night to here the end of the tale. The next night she finished her story, but started another. This went on for a while. On the a 1,001 night, Scheherazade confessed that she had no more stories, but the king had fallen in love with her and so he made her his queen. 

Ok, so idk what they're going to do with this one, but I still have one more thing to cover: Are these just casting call names for different characters?

My answer: yes. Me, and quite a few other Oncers are led to believe these names are a cover for Aladdin and Jasmine. Aladdin is one of the few disney princess movies that hasn't been featured on the show. And for Sinbad they were looking for 'A 30something Middle Eastern/Arabic or Northern African male to play a roguishly charming and quick-witted hero who knows the power of kindness but as of late has lost faith in his ability to lead his people.'*  And to me, that sounds a lot like Aladdin. As for Scheherazade, the casting call is for 'a regal Middle Eastern/Arabic beauty who never backs down from a good fight and can go toe-to-toe with even the toughest adversaries.'*  Which is totally Jasmine!

But right now, the only piece of evidence we have is that no one yet has asked for a king- and if we're going to see the backstory of Scheherazade, like we normally would, it would be difficult to tell her story without the king as a main character.

Ok. Last thing before I go (sorry I know this is getting kinda long), but I hope if we do get to see Aladdin and Jasmine in season 6, the genie is with them. Now, I'm not exactly the fondest of Sidney Glass, but hopefully it would give us a clue as to where he went for three seasons?!?!

Thanks for staying with me for over 600 words! U da best :D

Do you think that Sinbad and Scheherazade are just cover names for Aladdin and Jasmine?

Do you ship Sinbelle?

Let me know!


*=Quoted from TV line

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