Chapter 1: She's A Lunatic

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The alarm clock rang for the nth time. Dammit! I haven't had a good sleep since last week. My not-really boss, Karla Estrabao, is a really busy person. She usually wakes up at 4 am and being her bodyguard isn't exactly easy. I have to wake up before her. Imagine how hard that is. I just started working for her. My real boss, Alejandro Cabello, he's the one who pays so basically he's my boss, is the father of Karla Estrabao. Cabello, Estrabao. Weird right? Karla's real name is Camila Cabello but Camila is for more personal things. Karla Estrabao is just a screen name. I live with her and her assistant, Paige. Paige doesn't really stay at Karla's house, sometimes she stays at her boyfriend's house. Anyway, I have to get ready before the little monster wakes up. She'll scold me again. What a boring woman.

I sipped my coffee while reading news on my laptop. Hmm nothing really new. I heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey Lo." Paige greeted. She pour coffee on a cup. "Busy day ahead. You should eat not just drink coffee." She smiled.

"Oh I'll be fine. Don't worry. Worry about your boss." I said then smirked.

She chuckled softly then stirred her coffee.

Paige Moore is the 24 year old assistant of Karla. She wears glasses and keeps her hair tied in a bun. I can say she's very responsible. She never miss a thing. She's been Karla's assistant for a long time. Karla started her career when she was 15. She's 19 now. How can Paige not get tired? Camila has a strong personality. She's always in a mood. Damn, Paige is one hell of a woman.

It's 6:30 am and Camila just finished putting on makeup. I helped Paige pack clothes and other necessary things for a shoot. The van was already outside, waiting. I put on the bags on the van and walked back inside the house. I took my bag and put on my leather jacket. Leather jackets are my favorite.

I sat on the front seat of the van next to the driver. Camila and Paige eventually came out and got inside of the van too. It was an hour drive and I slept while I still can. Being Karla Estrabao's bodyguard is not an easy thing to do. Paparazzi and crazy fans are everywhere. I should always be ready to protect her.

After an hour and a half drive, we arrived at the shooting place. Karla's going on a photoshoot for a magazine.

"I'll message you if we're done." Paige said to the driver.

"Okay, here we go." I said then got out of the van. I quickly spotted paps. I opened the van's door and Camila and Paige got out quickly. Cameras flashed instantly.

"Karla is it true you're dating Shawn?!" A pap asked.

Karla remained quiet and didn't answered any questions. We ran to the entrance of the building and to the elevator. As the elevator went up, Karla got very annoyed.

"Assholes." Karla mumbled.

The elevator door opened when we reached the 17th floor. We got out and set things up. I sat on the couch because I don't even know shit about photoshoots.

"Hey. You're Karla's bodyguard right?" A short girl asked.

"Y-yeah." I said then sat properly.

"I'm Ally, Karla's my friend and I work here.. Can I ask you a little favor please?" She asked then smiled.

"Yeah sure I guess. Oh I'm Lauren by the way." I said politely.

"Can you please pick up some coffee at Starbucks? My secretary can't go today because she called sick. I'm really sorry but my other assistants are needed here." She said with pleading eyes. "You can get an extra snack if you want." She smiled.

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