Chapter 4: False, She Wants Me

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Lauren's P.O.V.

"What the fuck happened? Fuck. I'm so going to get fired." These are the first thoughts when I woke up.

I closed my eyes tightly, trying to convince myself that what happened was just a bad, bad dream but I felt a petite body clung onto me. Jesus, of all the people I will hook up with. Why her? I'm not saying that the sex wasn't good. It was so fucking great but Camila's the daughter of my boss. You just don't screw with the daughter of your own boss and dude, she's a fucking celebrity. Yo this is fucking crazy. I found myself smiling like an idiot. I don't know but Jesus, it felt great and all. She clung onto me more tightly when I tried to move my numb arms. Her hair was falling on her beautiful face, covering it. I tugged her hair on the back of her ear. God, she's definitely the most beautiful person in the world right now.

My phone rang on the nightstand. I reached for it and saw Maia was the one calling. I got up, placing Camila's head on the pillow.

"Really Maia? Now's not a really good time." I whispered on the phone.

"Good morning to you too." She said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Are you free later?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"Let's go somewhere later, you can't say no. You know...for old time's sake." She said.

"You called me at 7 in the morning just to ask me to hang out?" I asked with a playfully annoyed tone.

"Yeah. I'll pick you up later at 4. Bye." Was the last thing she said and hang up on me.

Wow. She's crazy. I sighed and saw Camila got up and rubbed her eyes.

"You going out later?" She asked.

"Yeah. Do you have work later because I'll cancel—"She interrupted me.

"No, no. I don't have any." She said and looked into my eyes.

We were practically in a very awkward situation.

"So." I murmured.

"Let's...not talk about it." She said furrowing her eyebrows but her lips formed a little smile.

She got up from my bed and covered herself with my blanket because she was still naked from last night.

"Go get me some breakfast." She demanded.

"What? I'm not your maid, go get yourself breakfast." I chuckled.

"You're a one lazy ass shit. I pay you so get me breakfast." She chuckled.

"Uh uh. Your father pays me to be your bodyguard, not your maid." I said.

"Whatever, you're so lazy." She said and walked out of my room with my blanket still covering her up. God, she's such a dork.

The day passed and Camila and I didn't talk. I didn't mind not talking to her, maybe we need some space, especially what happened last night. I got myself ready for Maia and I's hang out. I put on a simple white shirt and acid washed denim jeans. I wore my black converse and a dog tag necklace to complete my look. I saw Camila on the living room setting up the tv while I was heading my way down. I heard a knock and quickly opened the door for Maia.

"Hey! Holy crap Jauregui, looking dazzling as always." She said.

"Shut the fuck up." I chuckled. "Wait here, I'll just grab my jacket."

I grabbed my bomber jacket on the couch and as I was walking towards the door, I saw Maia talking to Camila. Jesus Christ what now?

"Let me change my clothes." Camila said while smiling then walked towards the stairs.

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