Chapter 2: Getting To Know Her Other Side

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It was 6 PM and Camila asked me a while ago to drive her to Dinah's. Dinah Jane Hansen is a very close friend of Camila and she's a famous singer.

"We'll sleepover at Dinah's. Are you fine with that or you wanna stay here?" Camila asked.

"Well it's my duty to stay with you. I'll be fine in the car just go have fun later. I can take care of myself." I said.

"Okay if you say so." She said and walked upstairs.

I got my bag and put on my cleaning kit, pants and a couple of shirts in case of emergency, charger and my laptop. This is a lot but I'm always like this. You never know what's gonna happen.

I put on my black ripped pants and a light grey t-shirt and black dr martens. I also put on my black beanie. I was having second thoughts but in the end I brought my black leather jacket. I just can't resist it damn it. I got downstairs and grabbed the keys to Camila's Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupe. And all I can say is that, she has a very good taste in cars. I started the engine and after a few minutes, she came out of the house.

The traffic was light and it took us 30 minutes to go to Dinah's. We arrived at the big house and I turned off the engine. She opened the door and she brought her bag. My duty was to bring the other bags with food and other shit Camila brings for their sleepovers.

Camila's P.O.V.

I'm very excited when it comes to sleepovers. Dinah and I used to do this a lot but when we got more famous, we didn't have the time to do it. I rang the doorbell twice and a blonde tall beautiful girl opened the door. She hugged me as she saw my face.

"Oh my god Mila!!!" She greeted.

"Oh I missed you!" I said.

"It's been a while. OMG!" She said then she froze when she stared behind me. I looked behind and saw Lauren walking towards us with the bags. I looked at Dinah again confused and she harshly dragged me inside and slammed the door.

"You're hurting me Dinah!" I said with a slight pain in my voice.

"Holy fucking shit when will you tell me that you're dating a hottie!? How could you not tell me?!" She asked angrily.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not dating her, she's my bodyguard." I said then slightly blushed.

"Mhmm. Not dating huh? With that face and body sculpted by the gods? Shit she even looks like a vampire! You know I love vampires! I'm betting all of my money that you'll date her eventually. You both look good together. Oh my god I'm seeing hot dirty sex from you two!" She said enthusiastically.

"Shut the fuck up and open the goddamn door!" I said with a whisper yell voice. Fuck, now with all that she had said made me a little uncomfortable now.

Dinah opened the door with an evil grin. Oh god what's she planning now.

"Well hello there cutie. I'm so glad you could join us." Dinah said.

"Um, no actually. I'll stay in the car." Lauren looked a little red while handing me the bags. She must have heard us. Shit.

"Oh that's silly. I won't let you get suffocate and rot in that car. Besides, there's only two of us and that's a little boring. You'll join us." Dinah insisted. "I won't take a no."

Lauren looked at me anxiously not knowing what to say but I just nodded.

"If you insist. But I won't bother you Ms. Dinah." Lauren said politely.

"Just call me Dinah. There's no need for honorifics." Dinah finally said and we went inside.

This night is gonna be a long night.

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