Chapter 3: Being A Badass Is A Job

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Lauren's P.O.V.

Camila's new movie shoot has started weeks ago. The story is about Camila playing a soccer player and another girl also playing a soccer player, I don't really know her name. Austin will be Camila's on and off boyfriend and blah blah blah. Sound familiar? I don't know. That's the only thing I know and I don't want to be a spoiler.

Camila's passion for acting is amazing. She can portray anyone and she'll look great. No wonder she's famous. There's only one thing that bothers her and I know her that much to know. Austin. He's been acting weird according to her. Stupid, I know what he's planning and I won't allow it.

It's 3 in the morning when,

"Lauren, get me and Camila coffee?" Austin said.

"I'm her bodyguard, not her nanny." I said rudely while sitting on the portable couch scrolling on my laptop.

He chuckled annoyingly and asked me again. "Get me and Camila coffee." He tried to hand me a couple of bucks while Camila, looks nervous.

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm. Not. Her. Fuckin. Nanny. And I won't leave her alone here." I said shooting him a look.

He gave up and mumbled something and walked away. Camila walked towards me and sat with me.

"Don't be so rude to him. He apologized for so many times." She said.

I can't fucking believe Camila right now. How can she be so stupid? It's obvious Austin's using her to gain popularity. Stupid asshole.

"Camz don't be stupid. He's just using you." I said straightforwardly.

She kept quiet for a second and I stole a look at her. She looked disappointed. She walked outside the van.

"Why do I say stupid things?" I sighed to myself.

We were parked outside the school and the school's surrounded with trees and I had a hard time following her. I saw a shadow moved behind the tree. Me, being the playful little shit I am...

"Boo!" I scared her and she stumbled. I laughed and tried to help her get up but she refused my hand.

"Stupid Lauren!" She yelled.

"Look, I'm sorry for calling you stupid...I just don't want you to get hurt again." I said.

"I'm not going to get hurt. I won't fall for him again. I just want to be friends with him because he's my co- worker. And I don't want you to be rude to him just because of me. I only see him now as my friend." She said.

She really has a good heart, motherfucking Austin just broke it. I sure am not going to let him get Camz again.

"Sure. I won't." I said, obviously I'm lying about the rude part.

The shoot for the day ended at 10 am. The actors will take a break for 2 days then will get back at the shooting. Camila decided to stay at the place and Austin and the other girl decided to fly back to LA. We stayed at a hotel and good thing the shooting place is in Florida. Paige stayed at another room because her boyfriend was in town. We don't want to see anything right? That's fucking gross. Well me and Camila shared a room but with separate beds. I took a shower first before going to bed. After I put on clothes, I called Maia.

"Hey how's it going?" I asked.

"Well life's going pretty well actually." She said

"Well that's good." I said.

Camila got out of the bathroom while drying her hair with a towel.

"Yeah. I'm thinking about going back at the agency." I said and I felt Camila shot me a look.

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