My Vampire (Louis Tomlinson fanfic)

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Meet Christal. She was abused for her whole life, until one day it changes .


I was walking home from the mall. I was passing some alley, I heard screams and cries for help. So me being the dumb person I went to check what was going on. I put my hand on my mouth to keep me from screaming. THE person was facing me back and once HE turned he had blood red eyes and had white fangs. I knew all about vamps 'cause my cousins were vamps and they knew how to control their hunger, yeah now BACK to the story. He came to me and said " You have seen to much" then he came to me and grabbed me by my neck and pierced his fangs in my vein. I started screaming and thrashing but he just held me and sucked the life out of me. Then all I heard before I blacked out was "I'm sorry."

Louis' POV

"Hey guys I'm hungry!" Niall said"

"Niall we know, lets go hunting."


Finally we started walking towards woods. I stopped dead in tracks cause a beautiful smell filled my nostrils. The amazing smell of blood. I started walking towards the smell when I saw the girl who was walking in alley. I could feel my eyes go from sea blue to blood red and my fangs came out. I couldn't wait any longer, my hunger took over and in a blink of an eye, I was  sucking the life out of the girl. I could feel the presence of a another body, it was human. After that, I was done. I again found myself grabbing the other by her throat. I said "you have seen too much". Before she blacked out i said "I'm sorry".Oh god, oh god I have to turn her. I mind-linked Liam saying "Liam help me I think i have to turn some girl, I have no idea what to do?" He then said "Okay calm down, turn her and leave her, like she would remember anything." "Liam I can't leave her , I think SHE is my mate" " then turn her I believe you" oh, okay I have to work fast.

5secs later(cause he is fast)

Okay done now I have to wait till she wakes up...

So I'm here now waiting for her to wake up and she should wake up in






''WHERE AM I?!''  now...

''You're at my house, love''

I'm not your love and why is my throat hurting?''she whispers.

''Do you remember anything?"

''Alley, red eyes, white fangs...-''she suddenly stops ''YOU, YOU TURNED ME DIDN'T YOU!!!!!WHY!? I HAD A NORMAL LIFE BEFORE YOU AND WITHOUT YOU!!!!I HATE YOU!!!''

Her words stung a little.''I will not drink anyone's blood, I will starve and die then you die and were both happy." "How did you know that I will die if you die?" " I have cousins who are vampires and they all have a mate and they cannot be without each other for a long time. And now I will have to tell them that I am a bloodsucking monster all BECAUSE OF YOU"she screamed the last part. Now I'm feeling bad about turning her to a monster like me.


That bloodsucking little cunt, I will have a revenge. Oh yeah I didn't tell u a tiny little secret, well I'm a part a demon and now vampire. WAIT! Now I'm the most deadliest creature in world "Demon vampire".HAHAHHAHAHA watch out little cunt I'm coming to get my revenge. Oh yeah and my demon is called Mystic, she is beautiful: long brown hair with tips electric blue and long-ish black nails with tips purple.

(A/N): Sorry guys if I'm not able to update for a long period and my wattpad is messed up and that's why I had to continue on previous part just cause I'm new to this all and I have no idea how to post a another part not to continue on this so if anyone can help me please inbox me.Thanx alot guys for reading my story.

QUESTION ONE AND ONLY IN THIS STORY:Is there anyone from Croatia to help me with my big problem???

Thanx again for reading....LOTS OF LOVE FROM MELLY ♥♥♥♥

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