chapter 4

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(A/N if it doesn't say whose pov is it then its Crystal's)

I woke up from my beauty sleep and went to bathroom to do my stuff. Do I really need to explain it? I thought so. I went back in my room and I went downstairs to see if anyone's awake. I stopped at the guest room where my 'dad' was sleeping and I heard convo between him and someone on the phone. It went like this:

(D=dad and So=someone)

D-" yes I'm working on it"

So-"did she believed that she's you're daughter?"

D-"yeah she totally bought it hahaha!"

So-"okay now u just gotta kidnapped her and bring her here when ur done. Deal?"

D-"yeah okay I will, bye"


They were talking about me. Well u thought wrong dad u cant kidnapped me MWUAHAHAHHA lol I'm cray cray. I then ran vampire speed in the kitchen and waited for boys to come dowstairs. As I waited I decided to prank the boys. I went in the living room and I turned into my demon and I screamed loudly like I'm being murdered. They all ran downstairs and looked at me in horror.

I said "What is it boys, u got scared?" in my demon voice.

Louis said "Crys, u okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay, Louis?"

"Look Crystal it isn't time for games!"Said Liam

"Oh is wittle Li Li scared? Hahahaha"

"Oh shit I'm scared, I don't care about u I'm going, bye!" Niall said and ran for the door, then I just slammed them with air.

"Is wittle Nialler scared, huh?I'm going to get my revenge on you Louis just wait!!"

Then Louis ran out of the door and screamed "I'm being chased by demon, HELP ME!"

I then fell on the floor laughing and the other boys just stared at me still in shock. I went again in my demon and Louis ran in and asked the boys "Did the devil leave?" but he didn't see me I was standing behind him. I told Liam to say that I did leave in his mind and he just repeated what I said. I then played a song called 'Me Sexy' by Nick Cannon and started doing Louis' famous hip thrusts and I laughed so bad that my stomach hurt. Louis looked at me at horror when he turned around. The boys started dancing with me. Louis still didn't move from his spot.

Then it came mine favourite part

S-E-X-Y we don't need no albies we sexy yeah, yeah we sexy

S-E-X-Y we don't need no alibies we sexy yeah, yeah we sexy

I stopped the song and walked to Louis and I stood on my tippy toes.I whispered in his ear "Aren't u enjoying the fun I gave to you?"

Then he realized that that earlier was a prank and he started laughing so hard that his face was red and the tears started flowing out of his eyes.



sorry for a crappy chapter I'm just so stressed out we have just one week before holidays and i need to study.


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