Chapter 6 : End of the Trail

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Art is owned, and created by me

        The morning started off slowly with the chilling wind of mid october blowing through the small town. Alistair was sitting in a corner of Julie's local cafe happily sipping on a cup of coffee when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, and set down his coffee.

      "It's seven thirty in the morning, Drake, and I don't have to be in for another fifteen minutes so there better be a good reason for all of this."

       There was a small amount of chuckling on the other end.

       "The indian is here to scream at us about the 'impending doom'."

      Alistair grabbed his coffee, and began to walk out of the cafe.

      "Please make sure he doesn't do something freaky while I'm not there."


       The morgue was in the st. Mary's hospital about twelve minutes away. Alistair was escorted by a nurse down to the morgue so he wouldn't get lost. Once they got there he thanked them, and strode over to stand by Drake's side.

       "How long has he been doing this?"

       Alistair, and Drake continued to stare at James as he proceeded to make hand gestures, and wave a branch over the corpse. Drake shrugged his shoulders in utter confusion.

       "I have no idea, but he got here before either of us, and Dr. Andreas says that he hasn't actually touched the corpse so he isn't really damaging anything."

      James suddenly stopped, and held up the branch with both of his hands. He held it there for a few minutes before he finally spoke, and startled both of the detectives.

      "Your friend was attacked by a wendigo."

      Alistair looked between Drake, and James in confusion.

      "Well we already know that. The town called the Killer the 'North Pines Wendigo'."

      James looked at Alistair as if he had just asked him what two plus two was.

      "I mean a real wendigo. Like the malevolent spirit, and not the silly nickname you gave the killer."

       Drake tried to stifle a small bout of giggling as Alistair glared at James. James put the branch in a basket that he had brought with him, and proceeded to take out a white flower bud. He held it out to the two detectives.

       "If it is the the same wendigo that I have been tracking for years now. Then this magnolia will bloom."

       The two detectives said nothing as James carefully placed the small magnolia directly over where Mr. Morganson's heart would be. Barely a moment passed before the magnolia grew in size, and bloomed. Drake, and Alistair remained motionless through the whole ordeal. Suddenly, without warning, the flower shriveled up as if it was being burned. James looked at the two detectives in utter seriousness.

       "Your friend was under the protection of the sliver moon, but the savior soon became the slaughterer. For it was the silver moon that touched him with their curse."

       Drake laughed in disbelief.

       "This is insane. Scratch that, you are insane.We really don't need any of this right now, alright? We need more clues, and not the crazy mumbo jumbo you're spewing."

       James grabbed the magnolia, and placed it back in the basket. He headed towards the exit, but turned to the two detectives abruptly.

       "If you seek answers to this tragedy. I suggest that you take your search to the crow's lake."

       And with that he left. Drake shook his head, and ushered for Alistair to follow him.

       "I think we should have a uniform placed at his house."

       Alistair shot Drake a questioning glance.

       "Any specific reason why?"

       Drake led the two of them outside.

       "This lunatic comes out of nowhere, and asks to see the body of a person that he doesn't even know, and then proceeds to talk in riddles as if we should know exactly what he is talking about, and you wonder why I'm suspicious of him."

       Alistair nodded.

       "Point taken."

       Alistair stopped mid step, startling Drake.

       "What the heck, Hero!?"

       Alistair looked at him with wide eyes.

       "Remember the amulet we found at Sarah's crime scene."

       Drake nodded slowly.

       "I remember. Why do you ask?"

       Alistair began to walk again, and Drake followed with uncertainty.

      "The amulet was a silver moon. James is basically saying that the person who killed Sarah is the same person who killed Samuel."

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