Chapter 7 : Once Again

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         The day was starting off slowly in the cold frost of the morning. It had been nearly a month since the last attack by the now infamous 'North pines Wendigo', and the detective duo was forced to put the investigation on hold until more details arose. Alistair was sitting at a table in the corner of a local cafe which he now frequented called Julie's Cafe. He was reading through the old files on the attacks when someone sat in the chair across from him. He looked up from his laptop, and stared directly into a bright golden pair of eyes.

      "Hello there!"

      Alistair was slightly taken aback from the cheery person sitting across from him. They were dressed in a white shirt, and the blue and red apron of the cafe while their brown hair had been pulled back in a small bun. Alistair quickly blinked his eyes before he quietly responded.

      "Umm. Hello?"

      The smaller man sitting across from him slightly tilted his head.

      "Alright, I'm going to be blatantly honest with you. I know every local in this cafe, but I don't know you, and I've seen you at least six times in the past two weeks."

      Alistair chuckled a little bit.

      "Well I wouldn't be surprised. I moved here about a year ago with my little brother Jeremiah. I was told about this place by some of the locals."

      The other person smiled.

      "Well moving over here with Jeremiah sounds fun, and I am assuming that you too have a name, or you can let me do all the work and guess your name for you!"

      Alistair closed his laptop, and leaned back in his chair a little bit. He smiled at the childish gleam in the others eyes.

      "Well now you've peaked my interest. I want to see how accurate your name guessing skills are. So go ahead. Try, and guess my name!"

      The other person tapped one finger to their lips in mock concentration. He slowly grinned at Alistair.

      "My guessing skills say that your name is Alistair Moore!"

      Alistair raised his eyebrows in amusement. He laughed a little before responding.

      "Correct! I am impressed at your skills. How did you know?"

        The other person pointed to Alistair's coffee cup. Before Alistair could retort his phone rang. He answered the phone, and was slightly surprised to hear who was at the other end.

      "Hey ,Hero. We need you to come down to a crime scene asap."

      Alistair turned away from the other person a little bit once he recognized Drake's voice.

      "What's wrong? Another break in?"

      Drake scoffed a little bit.

      "Oh how I wish it were a break in, but sadly it's not. It looks like the Wendigo is back in town."

      Alistair began to pack up his things.

       "Alright I'm on my way."

      He hung up, and turned to the person sitting across from him.

      "It looks like I have to go. There's a thing."

      The person nodded in understanding.

      "Ah yes. The dreaded 'Thing'."

      Alistair laughed a little as he stood up.

       "I really enjoyed our conversation. Maybe we could continue it later? Say at about one fifty?"

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