Chapter 1: Start of the Tale

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           The rain lightly kissed the streets and buildings of the sleeping city coating everything in a shining sheet of water that reflected the light of the streetlamps in a silver glow breaking through the ghostly darkness of the night in an arguably theatrical way. A swift moving silhouette huddled under a small overcoat as the rain threatened to pour down harder. Her pink heels and short dress began to dampen and weigh down their owner while her mocha brown eyes darted from side to side in an almost terrified manner as she walked with increasing speed to a nearby motel. She was rounding a corner when she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't dare turn around, and give off the impression that she had been startled. Instead she reached for a small taser that she had hidden in the small inner pocket of her overcoat. She abruptly turned around and faced her stalker wielding the taser in her right hand. She tried to stun the man, but before she could strike it was wrenched from her hand as her arm was pinned to her back. She started to scream and kick violently as she was dragged to an alley, but her screams were cut short as the attacker covered her mouth with a cloth. She was knocked out before long and was dropped to the floor unceremoniously as the attacker pulled a knife from its sheath.

    The day was very clear and windy unlike last night when it had rained. The police had sealed off the alley and were trying to hold back the large growing crowd which had formed around them. Had this been just another murder the crowd would have been much smaller and the news coverage not as heavy as it was now. Sadly this seemed to be the newest in a string of murders which had occurred in the general area. Another police car stopped in front of the crime scene as detectives Drake Johnson and Alistair Moore walked out. They walked past the growing crowd and passed straight to the crime scene. Drake was a tall buff man in his late forties. He had brown eyes, salt and pepper hair, and small scar that ran around the corner of his chin. Alistair was younger than Drake just barely in his twenties with black hair and vibrant blue eyes. Drake looked down at the crime scene before him and spoke to one of the forensic anthropologists.

    "Dr. Andreas, what can you tell us about the murder?"

    Dr. Andreas was a hispanic woman with steel gray eyes, and brown curled hair which had been pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing the usual uniform which consisted of a baggy white bodysuit and gloves. She stood up and pointed to the victim.

    "This is Sarah Morganson. We got an ID off of the driver's license that was still in her purse. There was no cash, but the credit cards were still in the purse so we can't exactly say that it was a robbery gone bad."

    Drake nodded in understanding and looked over at Alistair.

"What can you tell me about the crime scene just by looking at it."

Alistair looked down and furrowed his brows in concentration.

"Well apart from the obvious fact that she is missing a leg, an arm, and quite possibly a few organs. There don't seem to be any distinct bullet wounds, or any sign that she was attacked by more than one person."

He looked over at drake who nodded at him in approval. He watched as Dr. Andreas started to walk towards them. She stood beside Drake and pointed at the body again.

"The pooling of the blood suggest that she's been here for quite some time, and the lack of smearing suggests that this is where she died, but we'll swab for particulates once we get her back to the lab.There aren't any defensive wounds which is what leads us to believe that she was sedated before she was cut open. We think that the killer is taking the body parts as a trophy of sorts, but we can't be certain about it until we find him. We'll have to take her back to the lab for full analysis, but we think that the killer may have actually taken a bite out of her before he left."

Drake turned away from the crime scene and started to mutter something under his breath. Dr. Andreas was about to walk back to her position when one of the policemen on crowd control came back and called for her.

"There is a news reporter asking for you ma'am. She want's to know if you could make a statement about the murder."

Dr.Andreas sighed and looked over at Drake who nodded slightly.

"Make it brief doctor. Avoid too many details, and don't tell them who the victim is. We don't want these people to panic."
Dr.Andreas nodded, and walked over to the edge of the crowd where said news reporter was waiting expectantly. As she spoke to them Alistair and Drake continued to look for any clues that were left behind by the attacker. They came up empty handed, and walked back to their car. Before they could completely leave the alley something caught Alistair's eye.

"Hey drake? Did they say that the victim had lost anything?"

Drake looked over at Alistair curiously before responding.

"No. They said that all articles of clothing were accounted for. Why do you ask?"

Alistair pointed to something shimmering on the ground.

"I think our attacker may have left something behind."

Drake bent looked in the direction that Alistair had pointed and saw a small moon pendant by the corner of the wall. The pendant had a small speck of blood on it and appeared to have been ripped off of someone. Drake grabbed the small pendant with his gloves and placed it in an evidence bag. He nodded for Alistair to follow him back to the car.

"We'll send it over to forensics to see if they can get a match to the blood. There's a good chance it'll be Sarah's blood, but we can still hope that it'll be the killer's blood instead."

As their car left a figure watched them from amongst the crowd going almost unnoticed from the commotion of the murder. The figure took out a phone and dialed a number on it. There was a pause before a gruff voice could be faintly heard from the other side.

"Hello? What is it?"

The figure frowned slightly before finally responding.

"They found my amulet."

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