So, not Voldemort then

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Chapter 8

Apparently, hearing 'the Volturi are coming' should have made me react with fear and horror, because that is what everyone else in the room did. The Cullens looked a bit ill, if a vampire can be ill, and the wolves stiffened and took a defensive stand.

Me? I was picking my nails, waiting for them to recover from the shock and start explaining.

"You done panicking yet?" I asked nonchalantly, twirling my bracelet.

"You could not know, child, for you do not know of the Volturi," said Carlisle, like he was talking to a little kid.

"Well then, you better start explaining why everyone in this room is losing their shit because Alice said some wannabe Voldemort is coming."

That got me confused looks. Oh, these poor, uneducated children.

"Voldemort? You-Know-Who? Harry Potter? No?" Still blank looks. O-kay then, they apparently had no time to read modern classics while brooding in their darkness and other things vampires did with their spare time.

"The Volturi are the ones who rule the whole vampire species. They reside in Volterra, Italy, but they command hundreds of vampires, many of whom have special abilities like our Edward and Alice for example. They rule with fear, and have for many centuries been undefeated, that is, until they came after our family when Nessie here was born. We were able to gather enough friends to witness that we were not guilty of the crime they accused us of. They have since been restless, trying to find a way to separate our family."

I nodded, thinking deeply. Tyranny, wanting to rule over a whole species, commanding large numbers. Could this mean...

"I have one question," I said, looking at Carlisle.
"Yes, Elizabeth?"

I tried not to crunch my face too badly at hearing him call me that.

"These Volturi, do they wear black capes?"

"Yes, but what–"

Ha! Knew it. They were a bunch of wannabe Voldemorts. Figures.

I waved my hand at him.
"No matter. So, why are they coming here?" I directed my question at Alice, who seemed eager to answer.

"I am not certain of that. All I could see was that they were marching here, with at least thirty of them, Aro, Marcus and Caius leading the group. They have Felix and Demetri with them, and the witch twins," she said, crunching her nose with dislike.

"Yeah, those names mean nothing to me," I said.

"Aro, Caius and Marcus are the three leaders of the Volturi. Felix and Demetri are high ranking members of the Volturi, and the witch twins are just that – Jane and Alec posses powers that cause immense pain. Luckily, we have Bella to protect us against them." She smiled warmly at Bella, who smiled back a bit timidly.
Edweirdo put his hand around her.

"Meaning that if they attack, they'll be going for her first."

Jasper nodded.

"You have knowledge of war," he stated with a southern accent.

"All demigods do," I said, "it's a bit hard to stay alive if you can't even grasp the basics of warfare." If my tone was sarcastic, it was totally unintentional. Or maybe it wasn't.

Jasper smiled a bit at me.

"So, we just have to spook them out of here, no big deal. I mean, they are just a bunch of vampires." I shrugged, but I was evidently alone with my carefree attitude.

"They are dangerous! Just vampires?! Are you stupid or what?" Screeched the woman beside Emmett, Rose, I think her name was.

"Rosalie, do not lose your temper," Carlisle scolded her, " she does not understand."

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