Always Be Together(SEQ to We Meet Again Louis)

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Author's Note: Hey guys. Most of you waited for this. I'm glad to say that this is the sequel to We Meet Again, Louis. Hope you guys like it. This Is:

Always Be Together~Sequel To We Meet Again, Louis.

Chapter 1

Evangelyn's P.O.V

I ran and ran. No looking back. Never ever looking back. My tears were still running down my cheeks. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know where I am. All I see is blurry.

"Wow!" Someone yelled as I bumped into them.

"I'm so so sorry." I said as I helped him up.

"Its ok." He said. I nodded and started running again. "WAIT EVA!"

I stopped as I recognized his voice. I turned around.

"Are you alright Eva?" He asked walking towards me.

"Yes I'm fine." I said wiping the tears off of my face.

"Are you sure? You don't look ok." He said.

"Erick I'm fine. I'm fine." I said. He walked to me and hugged me. I started sobbing more.

"It has to be about him isn't it?" He asked.

"Yes. Make me forget about him. Please." I said feeling weak. "Help me forget him. He broke my heart."

"Calm down calm down." He said stroking my hair.

He kept walking with me until we got to his flat. His mum and his dad greeted me with a warm hug. They tried to ask me what was wrong but Erick said I didn't want to talk about it.

He walked me to his room. I sat on his bed. He went to the bathroom and came back with a wet piece of cloth. He cleaned my face and kissed my forehead.

"There." He said. "Now, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying."

I chuckled.

"Want something to drink?"

"Yeah sure." I said.

[Louis P.O.V]

My. Life. Is. Over.

"Louis!" I heard a girl yell. I was sitting on the floor outside in the pouring rain. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm not Natasha." I mumbled.

"Come on you're gonna get a cold." She said helping me up.

"S-she broke up with me." I said as I started to cry again. Natasha staid quiet until we got back to my flat.

"Everything will be ok." She said patting my back.

"I'm sorry mate." Harry mumbled.

"My life is over. I'll never love again. I'd rather shoot myself." I yelled.

"Don't you dare say that again." Natasha shouted.

"Don't say that Lou." Harry said.

"Why not? My life sucks enough already."

"Louis." Natasha mumbled. "She'll come back."

"No." I said. "She won't. She'll never come back."

"She will. She'll be back to you."

I shook my head. I walked up to my room punching the wall. This always happens to me. I'm done with love.

[Evangelyn's P.O.V]

"Are you felling better?" Eric asked.

"Somewhat." I whispered.

"You must be tired. You can stay in my room if you want I'll just sleep with Mason." Eric offered.

"No I'm fine. I have to go back home anyway." I said softly. "Thank you for everything."

"No worries." He said hugging me.

I left his flat not knowing where to go. I can go home but Louis will probably look for me there or Natasha would obligate me to go talk to him.

I kept walking down the block thinking of where to go. I texted the only person I know that can help me. Liam.

'Me~ Liam, can I maybe stay at yours tonight?'

I hit send and wait for his reply. My phone started ringing I checked the caller ID. Liam was calling me. Without hesitation I unlocked my phone and answered.


'Eva are you alright? I know what happened I'm sorry.' Liam's voice said calmly.

"I really don't care." I said sniffling.

'And of course you can stay at mine. I'll go get you. Are you at yours?' He asked me.

"No. I'm near the park."

'I'll go get you now.' He said.

Before I knew it paparazzi showed up. I panicked.

"Liam paparazzi showed up. I'm alone. I don't know what to do." I said frustratingly.

'Calm down alright? I'm already on my way. Stay on the phone with me no matter what.' He said.

"Ok." I breathed out.

Paparazzi- "Evangelyn why did you break up with Louis?"

Paparazzi- "are you talking to Louis?"

Paparazzi-"Were you cheating on Louis?"

I started crying. I hate this.

'Calm down Eva. I'm near the park I can see the small move of paparazzi.' Liam said.

I sighed in relief.

Paparazzi- "Where's Louis?"

"Stop it! I didn't cheat on Louis! I LOVE HIM GODDAMMIT! WE BROKE UP SO WHAT? CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE!" I shouted at them breaking down.

They stood quiet but still taking pictures.

Before I knew it Liam's car pulled up. He got out and ran to me.

Paparazzi- "Liam what are you doing here?"

"Helping a friend." I stated the obvious. He grabbed my hand and we ran to the car. I got in and so did he. He started the engine and sped off.

"Thank you so much Liam." I said with sigh.

"Don't thank me. That's what friends are for." He said putting a hand on my knee soothingly.

[Louis's P.O.V]

I was now on twitter crying my eyes out. Looking at all the tweets of me and Evangelyn. I refreshed the feed and saw a bunch of new tweets and also a video that said 'Evangelyns break down?' on it.

I clicked on it. Evangelyn was in the park and paparazzi were asking a ton of questions and shoving their cameras in her face. She was a mess. Her makeup running and tear stains.

'Stop it! I didn't cheat on Louis! I LOVE HIM GODDAMMIT! WE BROKE UP SO WHAT? CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE!' She said breaking down. That's when the video ended.

I felt terrible. I cried even harder.

[Evangelyn's P.O.V]

We got to Liam's flat, he had opened up the door and I went in with him behind me.

"Need a hug?" He asked.

I stated at him and eventually broke down again.

"Yes." I said sniffling.

"Oh Eva." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Everything will be ok. Don't worry."

"I love him Liam." I said.

"I know you do." He said kissing my head. "Why don't you go talk to him?"

"No. I don't want to. There's nothing to talk about. Besides I'm leaving tomorrow." I said.

"Leaving to where?" Liam asked curiously.

"New York with my grandparents." I said softly. "Don't tell anyone not even my sister." 

"Ok, I Promise." He said.

"I'm already packed so I'll just go home get my stuff and bye bye Bradford." I whispered.

 Liam hugged me tightly.

"I'll take you tothe airport tomorrow ok?" 

"Ok thank you." I said softly.

"No problem babe." Liam said. "Wanna take a shower?"

"Yeah but I don't have clothes with me."

"I'll lend you mine." He said with a smile. 

 I smiled lightly. He walked me down the hall into his room. 

"Let me just give you a towel and some of my clothes." Liam said happily looking in his drawers. He took out some sweatpants, a white v-neck and a towel for me. "There you go babe." He said handing them to me.

"Thank you." I said kissing his cheek and walking to the bathroom. 


"Liam! I look like a homeless girl!" I said laughing.

"No you don't! You look cute." He said. "Now go to sleep tomorrow you have to wake up early."

"Liam, can I sleep with you?" I asked shyly.

 He chuckled sightly and nodded. We got into bed and fell asleep quickly.

Always Be Together(SEQ to We Meet Again Louis)Where stories live. Discover now