holy the unholy molly

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Everything was warm I saw the sun beams touching my floor letting light in.The binds and curtains where closed ceiling out the light, which was weird I had always had them open letting in the sun and moon light I even keep the windows open at night,but everything was closed,and darker than usually.

I must've been too focused on the windows to notice that why shivers ran down my arm when a arm solid as stone grip around my waist the arm tightening bring bodies closer.I felt like he could accidentally break me any moment.I hear the feathers ruffling,and I knew it was the demon boy from last night,I stared to slowly sit up in bed his arm would not move from my waist until I picked it up and moved it and this is when I relied..I was not in my custom!?!?! NOT TO ADD!This did not look like the same boy I meet before!? I was in a big T-shirt with boxer shorts underneath,at least I had cloths on...The boy had silver hair that was much more wilder than the jet black hair,I smiled he let out this adorable sound he let out,like a sneezes,snore,and whistle all in one,he started to make this funny face I could tell his hair was bothering him I brushed it out the way of his face he smiled,a smile that a child wears,I was smiling until my face turned pink I hide my face in my hands O my goodness! I can't believe my self!I was thinking about last night and now this! Ugg I can't be around people when I am sleepy I get all weird and start taking nonsense.

I picked through my fingers to look at him his wings where just the same,I looked down on him he looked so sweet I knew it was him by his wings,I don't know how but I knew.

His eyes open something crawled down my spin,he grabbed my arms a forcing my back to lay across the bed,His eyes where a silvery purple,we both were breathing heavy,His wings spread out,me I stared to breath slower back to normal,I saw smock come out his nostrils as he breathed.I would not be lying if I said I was not scared.

"O,its you."His eyes purple glowing eyes started to be eaten by the color red,his hair started to to burn with out its flame turning in to ash,the silver like water hits it turning to ink black.

He just stayed there only relaxing his wings and breath.I was about to ask if he was going to let go of me but then,he started to grin,a grin that I couldn't resist  my checks turned pink I tried not to smile biting my checks and keep my cool."Are you sure?" He asked,My eyes lit up blinking "W-what?" I had a hard time talking around him in this moment,He when close to my ear and whisper "Are you sure you want me to get off."We could play a-"I rose my knee in to his gut I knew where he was going and I didn't like it.

"OO" he put his hand to this gut coming off me.

"Don't do stuff like like if you don't want to get hurt."

His eyebrows when up and he looked at me I was siting up now,'Who say I am hurt?May be emotionally kiss to make it better?"he had a devilish smile on his face.

Uuhho,I got off the bed as fast I could and ran out the my bed room door,he started following me saying"Your going to have to do a better job than kick to hurt a Da--..Me"

I my room when right in to the kitchen,I jumped on the counter going throw the wall window over the sink,by time I hit the floor he was there,something told me he could have gotten me lot sooner.He remind me more of a vampire with the dark shadow on him from his wings and glowing eyes."Gota." I don't think so.

I supersized at myself how fast I took off my bra,and I was supersized at him that I even still had my bra on.I waved it all around  his face then through some where to  confused him then I ran the other way,but he was distracted for long he grabbed me around the wasted and we fell on the couch.

"here you are my lady."He was holding my bra by a finger over to me.

"I pit put it to gather and put it on like pants,I looked at him after my bra was on again,and asked "Why am I in different clothing?More importantly how?"I crossed my arms looking at him.

"Cause..I thought the devil custom might be to uncomfortable to sleep in,I menan you keep falling a sleep, and waking back up all night not to meansion that dress way to tight to keep on all night, and I could tell you breathing was weird that's a sign of discomfit."He lend back and put his hands behind his head acting like a big shot.
"Ok but how did you put it on me?"

"I changed it the same way I Chang mine."


"Which is different! I swear I didn't see anything."He held up his hand.

"Right like I'm going to believe a demon's word."I pocked his nose and got up to go back to the kitchen to make coffee.putting my hair in a ponytail on the way,just hoping happy.After putting the kettle on the stove walked in and leaned against the door was he just looked at me blinking his moth wide open so confused the poor little dear,I stopped putting my hand on my him waving a spoon around and stood there looking at him,"Cause, you custom was a daemon... how bad is calling a angle a daemon?"I went back to making coffee,"You want coffee or tea?" I ask him,"Tea."he said snapping his fingers making the water hot in less than a seconded,I went to take it off the stove trying not to laughing but doing a half ass job at it,"What so funny?"he asked

"O nothing,I am just wonder if you chose tea cause you probably like a 60 thousand years old."

"Hey only about 2500 year kinda lost track after like the dark-ages but you got to love the internet now I just look up how old I am."

"So what you do on dates?Take girl on day to the early bird special or something." I said laughing.

"Well I guess you'll have to let me take you on one and find out."

"Hahe,So you going to grease your hair back put you leather on and we'll ride to the swing soda shop."

"That sound like a yes to me."he winked putting up his finger gun to me all cheezy. 

"here"I said handing him his tea,we both sat down at the small kitchen table next to the window a flower in the small vase and the morning sun coming from the window blinds,drinking are unholy coffee and tea,which unholy water make a really good cup of coffee. 

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