The Answers.

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~ Narrator's POV ~

" Awh,Don't be so suprised that i'm here...And don't give me those dirty looks,That hurts y'knaw. " Aida teased and said when she saw everyone's glare boaring at her. " What are you doing here? I thought you've died! " Zach shouted at her as his flames roared as well.

" Aha,Didn't you know? That Claire spared me! It was so nice of her.. " Aida mocked,Putting her hands and gave off a nice emotion as if she was thanking Claire. The elementals looked at each other with worried looks wondering what should they do now. " Oh and don't worry,I won't be attacking you anymore but to help you find that dear questions out! Plus,Some of my power lost from Claire absorbing it,So i'll defeniteley lose if we guys fought. " Aida announced happily.

" Is that so..Then please tell us the answers now,We desperately need them..Claire keep on hiding shits from us. " (Y/n) said calmly looking up from her sit to Aida's face.

" Well then,First..The blood that was taken from Levi,It wasn't me but Claire since she has finally awaken that time,And she acted as me to frame that doing to me.. " Aida answered one quesion,But the elementals weren't still satisfied with that single answer,Thus they asked again. " Then what did she do to it? "

" She examined that blood,The power so called 'Ackerman power.' She said that there was a hidden power in that bloodline and it needs to be awaken so they can have the power,To damage a god. Plus,She said that the blood Ackerman was carrying was one of a kind,Because Claire was the one who cursed the Ackerman blood to be the most one of a kind human,It is said that he will be lucky,But for his subordinates..Their luck shall be not counted when he is involved with their lives. " Aida replied to their answers,Giving a look of pity to Levi as she did so. The elementals was dumbfounded about what they heard from Aida..

" Second,The Dagger that you tought that could kill (Y/n) belongs to Claire. She made that dagger so she could take revenge on the God who turned her into one as well,Because when she turned to one,The god said her sister will take all of her luck..That's why,She's opposed to (Y/n) and Levi being lovers..And she will do everything to stop you both from loving eachother.. " Aida said,Furrowing her eyebrows each sentence she makes as she started to feel sympathy to (Y/n).

" Your making it sound like Claire's the enemy here.. " Bella said with a worried expression plastered on her face. The elementals were clueless and answerless when it comes to Claire,Because she is a god who's secretive and mysterious after all. " Then does that mean her backstory that she told was a lie? " Nathan asked. Aida looked at him and shook her head 'no' " What she said was true,But there's so many missing parts in there too,It is not even complete,Not even half-way to the complete story. " Aida answered her.

" Third,The gems.. Its'--- "

There was a straight gold blur line headed for Aida's direction.A thump and an ' oof ' from Aida was heard.

" I think that's enough. "

Everyone's eyes widen in shock as Claire held Aida's neck with a powerful grip by just one hand on the ground with a killing glare. " Well,Sorry for the interuption..But i'm going to take her now.. " Claire said as she kept on gripping Aida's neck.Claire then lift her up,Still gripping Aida's neck.Aida was left helpless towards Claire who's overpowering her.And then she threw her while a portal opened at the wall,Catching Aida and taking her inside wherever that place was.

" All of you should've have heard that..Tch,Such a loudmouth..I'll have no any other choice but to erase your memories.. " Claire said and thus she lifted her hand to their eye level and waved her hand a little,Making a blinding light as it erased their memories back then.

[ TBC ]

[ Status: Unedited ]

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