Behind All This

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[ A/n: Okay,Since everybody is like Dizzy from this conflict or more likely Confused at all shits that's happening,Let me spoil something to you all dear readers. Claire has the same objective but diffirent Intentions,(Y/n) Or should i say you readers,Have the power to kill the god who cursed Claire,Along with Levi,But of course you need each other to kill that god,Since that god is much powerful than Claire.But HE does not agree on letting Claire tell them the real problems are.That's why he ordered Claire to seperate the two lovers,And to kill her own sister by a certain reason. So putting it short,Claire and the god who cursed her has a relationship which led Claire to be forced to do what's she is doing and exterminate (Y/n) But worry not readers! I'll explain everything in this chapter now! ]

Everybody pushed of their horses' reins to make them run faster,Along with the elementals roaming into the front row. " Uhm.Nathan,Is there something wrong? It's just that,You're fidgity more and looks anxious. " Armin asked Nathan,He looked at him as he matched Nathan's horse speed with his own. " Actually..Everything's wrong.G..Or should i say Claire,Is hiding secrets that is so confusing that we can't overlook at all. " Nathan said,Revealing who is the person behind G.

Armin somehow looked suprised at the sudden news. " Claire's here? " He asked,Wanting a more clear answer. " Yes.And believe it or not,She's the main person who wants to really seperate the lovers..(Y/n) and Levi.Aida and Claire are totally diffirent persons but,It's like Claire can change bodies with Adia that confuses us..Plus..,Crimson said to me that it was Claire all along who's planning on killing (Y/n) from the very start. " He explained to Armin,And now the poor boy is confused and thinks of every possibility that could be imaginable to happen.A switch then clicked in his head telling he has an idea. " Hm..We'll talk about this then,Even though involving myself in your problems may be risky since i am just a mere-human..But i think i could help you guys deal with this problem. " Armin said with a smile.Nathan nodded at him and was suddenly filled with determination to finish this current expedition right now and move on with the problem.

And as the time passed by itself,The sun has set and their expedition finished successfully.The two boys them immidiently called out to all of the elementals and the two hands of Claire.

" Okay so what is the meaning of this? " Vinx asked with a dead-panned look on her face,Getting dragged here by (Y/n) was not what pleasant. " WHAT DA F- " Zach shouted as he got thrown inside the room by Bella. " WHAT WAS THAT FOR? " Zach growled. " Because you were so stubborn and busy mating with your weapons,We had no choice but to do it. " Bella retorted sassily with Jason laughing so hard in the background. " BU- " Zach was cutted off with Nathan speaking to just get on with the point of why they are on a meeting,Excluding Claire. " Uhm..Let's get started with this. Remember the headache earlier? " Nath asked while the others nodded with agreement except for Crimson and Jazfer. " It was because your memories was messed up by Claire. " Crimson continued for Nathan,All of them turned around and faced him from shock. " Wait..What? " (Y/n) asked with a face that was saying 'Unbelievable'.

" And Aida is at the hands of Claire,And she's using Aida as a tool.But clearly,Claire is the mastermind and is doing something for a reason right? " Armin suddenly asked. Crimson admits that he was quite suprise that Armin's intelligence is not to be taken so lightly. " That's correct,But how did you know? " Crimson asked back. " Because from what we been through with Claire at the past and from what Nathan said to me earlier. Oh and you don't have to cover your face now (Y/n),I know you're (L) " He said,Smiling. (Y/n)'s eye twitched and flinched from shock. " W-How? " She stuttered. " If Claire's here,Then you are too. " Armin laughed lightly. " Smart. And anyways,Like Armin have said,Claire is doing this for a reason. "  Jazfer stated.

" And that reason is? " Everyone asked the same thing as well as unison.

" She fell inlove with the God who cursed her,And if she wanted him to fall inlove with her and return his feelings,He ordered Claire to go kill her own sister and Ackerman because when they are together,They can kill that God who cursed Claire,And obviously she doesn't want that and agreed on killing the couple.She'll do everything for him. " Crimson explained. Jazfer wore a pained look on his face with his fists tight,And his head lowered down. ' She's not even meant for him.. ' Jazfer thought bitterly in his head,Feeling the pang of jealousy.

All of them nodded in understandment. (Y/n) then paled for a moment but neverthless,She willingly composed herself back to normal and bravely asked.

" So,What do i do to make myself and Levi safe? "

[ TBC ]

[ Status: Unedited ]


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