The Breaking Of Your Heart And First Day In The HQ

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~ Narrator's POV ~

" Finaaaallllyyy!! UGHH MY BUTT!! IT HUURTTSS!! TOO MUCH RIDING ON THE FUCKING HORSE!!! " Claire whined loudly in our minds,Telepathy.

" Shaaadduppp will yah?!!? " Jazfer screamed at Claire,Telepathy as well..

" Guys,Shut up,Be glad we're already here.. " Crimson scolded the two idiots.

" I just can't wait to meet Levi's squad again! " (Y/n) said while cheering.

Claire just looked at (Y/n) and giving a sympathy look..' Gee..I hope she's ready.. ' Claire thought in her mind.

Claire shook her head slightly then walking away from the three.

~ Skye's POV ~

I noticed as the Gold cloaked person walked away from the three,Without being noticed.

' Something feels off..I feel like..I've met them before,Mostly the (C) and gold colored one... ' I thought in my head,While i watched G walk away from their group.

" Eh? That's unusual..The four always stick together,They never once ever walk without with eachother by theirsides,Mostly G! " Nath said,Startling me.

" WAAOH! DF NATH?! And what do you mean by sticking together? Were you watching over them? " I asked.

" Yup,I tried getting informations about them when i first heard the cloaked mysterious persons! But still,I got none... " Nath said,He hunged his head low.

" It's fine,At least you tried. " I said as i pat Nath's head.

" Can i get a kiss for my reward? " Nath asked,Smiling at me.

I gaped for a second then smack the back of his head.

" NO IDIOT! " I shouted as i ran inside my room.

" Aaww! PFFT,Nice going Nath! " I heard Vinx shout.

~ Narrator's POV ~

Erwin shouted " Everyone,Unpack your things and when your all done,Come to the mess hall and the supper shall begin. "

And that signals everyone to go into their dorms and unpack things,But Claire was still missing.

~ (Y/n)'s POV ~

" Crimson,Where's Claire? Have you seen her? " You asked,You feel like starting to panic.

" Don't worry,Maybe she just walked around alone somewhere,She sometimes needs space.. " Crimson said,Patting my back.

" Alright..I guess so. " You said while starting to calm down.

" Let's go to the mess hall!! OUR FOOD IS WAITING FOR US!! WAIT FOR ME MY DEARIES!! " Jazfer shouted and ran to the mess hall.

" Ugh,Annoying idiot.. " You groaned as you walk behind Crimson and Jazfer.

As soon as Jazfer opened the door,People's eyes were layed at you four.

My Heart To You ( Levi x Reader ) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now