My new friend

16 1 0

This is when you were only 9 years old. Your mom and dad were taking you for a walk around the city.

"Mom, dad why do we wear pure black clothing?"

"Sweetie we wear black because it is our faction color" my mom says

"But why are we all separated into factions"

"Because Alexis, our factions separate us from who we are and when you turn sixteen, you will take a test that will determine where you belong" my dad says

"Then one the next day is the Choosing Ceremony, where you will choose which faction you want to join" mom says

I nod my head and we continue to walk with them.

After a while, I decide to run from my parents to see if they will catch up with me.

"Alexis! Come back!" Yells mom

"You can't catch me!" I yell back

"Oh you bet I can!"

Then hear footsteps behind me and I start to run faster. I turn at a corner and I look behind me to see if they are coming. Until I bumped to someone.

"Ow" I say when I fall

"Oh my goodness, are you alright dear?"

I look up and see a lady and her husband and her son next to her wearing pure grey clothing.

"Yeah I'm alright ma'am no need to worry"

"Carla, look at her clothing, she is Dauntless" says the man

"Oh my, you are right Edward"

"Are you okay?" Says the boy

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile at him

"Here take my hand, I'll help you up" he says while extending his hand to me

I take him hand and he helps me up. Once that I am up I say thank you to him.

"What's your name dear?" Says the lady

"I'm Alexis Prior" I smile at them

"I am Carla, this is my husband Edward and my son is-"

"My name is Christian" says the boy cheerful

"Nice to meet you"

"Alexis! There you are" I turn around and I see my dad

"Hi daddy"

"We were worried about you" says my mom from behind

"Yeah, next time don't go running off like that" says dad

"I'm sorry"

"It's alright just don't let it happen again"

"It promise"

"What a sweet daughter you two have" says Carla

"Thank you" says my mom

Then my parents start to talk with the other two adults and I am just getting bored by it.

"Pssst" I hear someone

"Yea" I whisper back

"Come, let's play tag around our parents"


I walk up to him and tag him.

"Tag! Your it!" I say while I start to run away

"Hey that's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair"

He start to chase me around and I hide behind my dad

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