Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

I am sat backstage with the guys; CC, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley. Them being my band, Black Veil Brides! Anyway I am sat backstage on the sofa across from Jake and Jinxx who are chatting about some kind of guitar thing; I don't know I don't really understand what they were saying, no, my focus was on Ashley Purdy, who right now is perfecting his hair in the tiny dressing room mirror, my bassist and best friend. You see, for quite a while now I've been getting these... feelings of lust for him that I really shouldn't! I mean he is straighter than a freaking ruler for goodness sake! But his eyes are the most perfect honey brown; so warm and inviting, he's smile could stop wars, also I get that really tingly feeling all over my body when he's near and I blush even when just his name being mentioned. I'm sure all the guys have figured it out by now, but if they have they haven't told me and I'm way too chicken to tell them myself!

I would usually be up there talking to him and messing around, especially as my ADD is really bugging me, but I've been having these really weird moments were I get really dizzy and my sight fades and sometimes goes black. Like when you stand up really fast and all the blood rushes to your head, well that's what has been happening, but at random moments, not just when I stand up. But I am sure it's fine and only because I haven't been sleeping all that well... it's hard to sleep on a moving bus with CC. What so wrong about CC you may ask, well he snores as loud as freight trains! But it's the last day of tour today and I can sleep in my own apartment tomorrow, with no disturbances and also get some proper food and drink, because I am sure 'Skippey's' peanut butter and monster really isn't helping my light headed moments.

"Thirty seconds guys," The stage hand calls out breaking me from my thoughts.

We all jump up high-fiving one another, hearing the repeated chants of 'Black Veil Brides!' I pull a hand through my recently cut. short, black hair and watch as the guys run out on stage: first CC, the crowd stops there chanting and squeal when they see him. Next Jinxx and Jake run out and the crowd gets louder, less squeals now and more like screams. Ashley bounds on, bass in hand looking as sexy as ever! Now CC is all set up behind the drums he gives me the thumbs up telling me to come out.

If you thought the crowd couldn't get any louder you would be wrong! The room exploded! Cheers and screams echoing around the room. I wait for the crowds cheers to die down before I start the gig.

"Alright, Alright! You mother fuckers ready for a fucking amazing show tonight!?!"

The crowd cheering roared up again, "okay! This is wretched and Devine!" I scream into the mic.


The show went really well! I didn't get dizzy once and the fans loved the songs! Maybe my dizziness has gone?

I had just finished helping pack away some of the equipment and I'm heading back to the guys, who are probably pissed I took so long. Right now I'm walking down the empty hallway to the fire exit, the lights are flickering and it oddly smells a bit like bleach and disinfectant. The only sound I can hear are my foot steps echoing down the halls.

Suddenly the dizziness comes back with vengeance and my sight starts to fade, I stubble as quickly as possible to the nearest wall and cling on to it for dear life. I force my legs to keep moving to try and fight the light-headedness. In the distance I hear the clatter of cowboy boots. Ashley! I just make out his figure pause as he sees me.

"Help... me" I manage to choke out, but its too late. I see his muscular frame start to run towards me, arms out stretched to trying catch me, but all efforts are futile as my vision turns completely black. I feel my self falling backwards.

Ashley's POV

I was getting kind of worried; the show finish an hour ago and Andy is still there helping out, what if he's not okay? What if someone kidnapped him? What if I never get to see those beautiful blues eyes again? Okay, that was a bit over the top... so maybe I have a small-massive crush on Andy!

I know I'm not supposed to, I mean he is my best friend, we've known each other forever and he will never like be back! But it's not my fault those beautiful baby blues are just so entrancing, not to mention his amazing personality!

"I'm gonna go find Andy and drag he's ass back to the bus so we can set of for LA and I can get a decent nights sleep in my own apartment before we go on tour again" I called out to the guys. I got grunts from CC and Jake, who are playing CoD on the play station and a 'whatever' from Jinxx who is probably Skyping Sammi Doll.

I set of into the cold dark night and enter the gig from the fire exit, as enter the warm humidity sticks to my skin, but there's something wrong I can feel it in the air. I round the corner and freeze at what I see; Andy clinging on to the wall sideways for dear life, he looks up when he hears my and whimpers out, "help... me" breaking me from my trance, I run arms out stretched ready to catch him fall.

It's like it's all going in slow-motion. He stops leaning against the wall ready for me to catch him. Just as my finger tips brush his toned torso, his amazing blues which were clouded over with pain slowly shut and he falls backwards.

The slow motion clicks stop as the thud of Andy's body hitting the ground echoes through the empty hallway. A few small drops of blood start to escape Andy's head as it was the first place to make contact to the ground. This sends me in to full panic mode.

I gently pick up his fragile body bridal style and run as fast as can with out disturbing Andy's unconscious form. When I get outside I sit on a wall with Andy in my lap and call for an ambulance, the lady says an ambulance will come as soon as possible, she will stay on the phone until it does.

"Okay, lets try and bring him around, start patting the side of his face and saying his name calmly and loudly." The lady says calmly. I do what she says but it's not working. Right now I'm fighting back tears what if I never get to see those beautiful orbs again.

In the distance I can hear the unforgettable sound of sirens, when the ambulance pulls into the parking I hang up the phone. The paramedics pull out a stretcher and I carefully lay Andy onto it.

"Sorry sir but you're going to have to stay here I'm afraid, only family and spouses"

"What? No you have to! He's my life, I need him!" I practically shout in the paramedics face.

"Come on Simon, let him in so we can get to the hospital" Thank goodness for that lady paramedic. I give her a grateful short smile as I climb onto the ambulance.

When I see Andy I take his hand with both of mind and bring it up to my face. Now the tears are even harder to fight back. I look up to see Simon, who looks about 45; he has a stubbly chin that he is rubbing whilst talking hushed to the other female paramedic. She looks older than Simon and has a much warmer face and kinder eyes, wisps of grey hair caught up in a bun, however age has been kind to her and seems as if it has also made her kinder.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the ambulance doors swung open and Andy was pulled out of my reach.

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