Chapter 7

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It's been six months since our first date and we have been on many since. That little piece of hidden heaven has now became our little piece of heaven; we've spent so many times there. Bella became a close friend and life in general has been mainly great!


I'm so hungry! I haven't eaten since last night; I've been a sleep all day; it's night time now, touring really takes it out of you! I'm lying in my bunk; it's warm and I have a little window, I am the only one that has one. I like to look out of it as still I find it hard to sleep when the bus is moving, so listening to music and watching the scenery go by is what I do instead. However right now the tour bus isn't moving so the moonlight is just shining through, it really is quite beautiful.

I swing my legs over the side of the bunk. It seems oddly quiet, I mean come on; I live on this bus with 4 other loud men, there's never a quiet moment with them!

"Guys!" I call out; nothing! I run a hand through my short hair, and start to make my way into the front of the bus to get some food; I'm starving.

As I turn to the small mini-fridge we have on the bus I see a note taped to it:

'Hey Batman,

We went out to get more food, we left you sleeping because we know you can't sleep when the bus moves, plus you looked so cute.


Oh my god! Do we ever have food! I mean seriously! I think I'm gonna get changed and have a cigarette to calm the hunger.

I trust that Ashley is just getting food with the guys, he has been so faithful since we have been together. He doesn't even look at other girls/guys and he hasn't been to a club or bar since!

I walk back to the bunks and slip a ripped up shirt and on my 'penis GPS' trousers, running out the door I grab my pack and almost trip over putting on my shoes. The heavy metal door shuts with a loud slam! It's still not loud enough to shake those last bits of tiredness from me.

The cold autumn air pricks at my skin like thousands of tiny, invisible needles. Goosebumps form all over my skin and I vow to my self not to stay out too long.

I pull out a cigarette and try to light it, although it's proving difficult. Finally the sparks form a small flame which I put at the end of my cigarette. As I breathe in the harmful, smoky flames I feel the hunger retreat, leaving me relaxed and going in to take another breath out of the cancer stick. I watch the smoke flows my mouth in lazy curls slowly dispersing into nothing.

Suddenly the calm atmosphere was shattered like glass as a strong arm pulls me back by the waist.

A hand slaps onto my mouth; pushing my head into this giant shoulder, as I was about to scream. All the tiredness has now left my body and in its place panic had resided.

I try to break free from his vice like grip; turning in all ways possible but to no avail; I'm not going anywhere, however I will not stop trying! In an effort to get away I drop my lighter and cigarette and try to pull off the arm around my waist that's probably forming bruises.

Another pair of hands grab my ankles and causing me to flop like a fish in the air whilst still trying to scream out however the screams are still muffled by the hand causing them be almost inaudible mumbles.

I feel the two men moving pulling me and pushing me whilst I struggle. They let go but only to throw me into the back of a van. I land hard on my back, as I try screaming out help again a gag is forced into my mouth.

I finally get a chance to look at my attackers face as he pushes me down, turns me over and sits on my back. I moan out in pain as that was where I landed when thrown in here.

His face was cover by a black ski mask however his grey eyes were on show. They could be so beautiful and majestic but instead they were clouded over with a hate from hell.

He was a big build, as was the other making it clear they where both men.

I feel my arms being pulled back and something course like rope being tied around my wrists. The man gets up off my back. I sigh in relief of the weight.

"Fag." A gruff voice mutters presumably at my sigh. Turning over to sit up right I just about see the leg swing into my side, making winded and keel over. My scrunched up eyes shoot open at another blow to my stomach.

"Come on dude! You can do more when we get there. But the others will be back soon so we need to go!" the other attacker shouts from the drivers seat.

Others? Oh the guys! But where is 'there'?

"Fine," the other grumbles and with one last kick to the head he slams the door shut, leaving me in pitch black darkness, with a killer of a headache. I hear the motor of the van start and I start to panic; where are they taking me!


They've been driving for about half an hour but it seems like forever! Suddenly we come to stop sending me flying forwards and hitting my head on the door of the van. I hear two doors slam shut; I guess we're here.

The door in front of me swings open and I see the two men looming there both with ski masks on making the look even more menacing then the sheer size of them. I cower back into the van as they slowly walk towards me.

My back hits the back of van and before I can bring my legs up to chest they both grab one and start pulling me out of the van. I land with a thump on the hard concrete floor; probably causing more bruises down my spine.

They start to drag me along the rough ground making my shirt ride up a pull at my skin until finally ripping the skin; I scream out in pain but it comes out muffled dues to the gag. God damn that hurt!

"Shut up!" One of the attackers, or should I say kidnappers, snaps through his teeth.

I grind my teeth and hold back tears as the pain increases. They drop my legs and pull me up by my arms forcing up the stairs of a building.


Hello my little cherubs! How are we all doing? Sorry about not posting sooner but hey ho here it is! I love all you people that have Voted and Commented, it really made my day! So tell me what you think? Will update as soon as I can but it's really hard with the amount of course work i have been given and now that I am in a band XD yeah you read that right :3 I'm the singer!! ... sorry...

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